Author: Shweta Sinha

  • Sails On The Mill Go Round And Round…

    Sails On The Mill Go Round And Round…

      … All day long! Do you know what the windmill sails do by going round and round all day? Or how do they go around? Have you ever run into the wind carrying a paper fan on a stick? Notice how the fan starts whirring the faster you run? You can think of a windmill […]

  • A Rainbow at Night

    A Rainbow at Night

    The lights glow a bright red, then turn into streaky green ribbons and then dark blue merging with the night sky. What do you suppose I am talking about? Decorative Diwali lights in the neighborhood?No, not at all. I am referring to the ‘Northern Lights’ or the ‘Aurora Borealis’. It is a natural display of lights that happens near the North Pole. […]

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