News & Facts For Kids

Kinooze covers news and amazing facts reimagined and written for kids.

Educators trust Kinooze for helping children become more aware, for raising their curiosity and improving critical thinking.

Latest News & Facts For Kids

  • Quirky Quarks

    Quirky Quarks

    Today, we’re going on a cool adventure into the tiniest building blocks of everything around us. First, let us understand about atoms. Atoms are tiny LEGO bricks. Everything seen, touched, and tasted comprises these little bricks. Atoms are so small that they can’t be seen with the naked eye. But they are super important because…

  • Pupils at Work: The Amazing Memory Helpers

    Pupils at Work: The Amazing Memory Helpers

    Have you ever wondered how your brain remembers things? Well, scientists at Cornell University have discovered something super cool about our eyes! They found out that our pupils—those little black circles in our eyes—play a big role in how we remember stuff. Here’s what they did: Researchers studied some clever mice to see how their…

  • The Plant-Powered Diet of Australopithecus!

    The Plant-Powered Diet of Australopithecus!

    Did you know that our ancient relatives called Australopithecus lived about 3.5 million years ago? They lived in southern Africa and mostly ate plants! Scientists just discovered this cool fact by studying tiny bits from their teeth! They looked at something called nitrogen isotopes in the tooth enamel of seven Australopithecus fossils. The results showed…

News For Kids.

Grades 3 – 7

Increase awareness. Enhance empathy. Raise kids to become global citizens.

Facts For Kids.

Ages 7-12

Raise curiosity. Increase critical thinking. Engage kids to become lifelong learners.

Science Facts For Kids

  • Snoozing in Space: Hibernation for Stellar Adventures

    Snoozing in Space: Hibernation for Stellar Adventures

    Have you seen characters in movies who can sleep or stay frozen for a long time? They can travel through space or time without growing older. That’s called suspended animation, a fancy term for deep sleep. If we can really do that we could all explore the vast universe with ease! Did you know that…

  • Lab-Grown Meat: Food Of The Future!

    Lab-Grown Meat: Food Of The Future!

    Imagine sitting in a restaurant, getting ready to enjoy a tasty meal. But guess what? The meal on your plate didn’t come from a farm like usual. It was made in a laboratory nearby! Is it even possible, you may think? There is a cool place called Huber’s Butchery and Bistro in Singapore. They have…

  • Amazing Brain Facts For Kids

    Amazing Brain Facts For Kids

    What is that one thing that makes humans different from other living organisms? Yes, it’s their brain! The human brain works faster than a computer. It can store information equal to 4.7 billion books! And an average individual’s brain switches between 70,000 thoughts each day! Unbelieveable isn’t it? Here are some more fascinating brain facts.…

Nature News For Kids

  • Spiny Ants: Tricksters That Play Dead
    Spiny Ants: Tricksters That Play Dead

    Let’s start with a brain teaser today! What did the Pink Panther say when he stepped on an ant?Dead Ant, Dead Ant…Dead Ant, Dead Ant, Dead Ant… Something similar happened on Kangaroo Island, Australia, recently. As a part of a special project, “Kangaroo Island Nest Box Project,” which aims to restore wildlife after the bushfires.…

  • Canada’s Wildfire Paints New York City Skyline Orange
    Canada’s Wildfire Paints New York City Skyline Orange

    Do you know those cool photos of New York City’s skyline? Well, recently, there was something unusual. The pictures showed the sky covered in an orange haze. Do you know what caused it? It’s because of the wildfires happening in Canada. The smoke from those fires traveled to New York, and painted the skyline orange.…

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Facts For Kids: People & Places

Little Writers

  • At the Beach

    At the Beach

    (Naisha, 10, writes a poem about the fun she had on her beach holiday) I went on a vacation on a beach one day I stayed there all night and day There were games and restaurants all around My head was spinning round and round I started by getting wet And throwing sand around I…

  • Ugh, Another Rodent

    Ugh, Another Rodent

    ( Fun facts about hamsters – by Esha our little researcher @6th grade ) Everyone thinks that hamsters are mice and are yucky and unhygienic. Just like rodents are. That’s not true. Yes, they are rodents, but they make good house pets. Let us get to know more about them. They belong to a subfamily called…

  • The Talking Pencils

    The Talking Pencils

    ( Krish, 8, spins a story about a boy and his friends who had found a box of talking pencils ) Once upon a time there was a boy called Aryan. He was obsessed with pencils. During his summer vacation Aryan bought a brand new box of pencils from his nearby store, it was called the…

Dont Miss

  • Discovering Sunken Treasures: World of ShipWrecks!
    Discovering Sunken Treasures: World of ShipWrecks!

    Ahoy mates! Let’s set sail on an exciting journey to explore the secrets hidden beneath the waves. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of shipwrecks! Did you know that beneath the ocean’s surface, there are countless sunken ships? Sunken Ships Around the World:Can you believe there are over three million shipwrecks scattered across the…

Recent Comments

  1. 2024 3/7/2024 Thanks for teaching me about shadows!

  2. I did know what is salt march of Gandhi I learnt it from this website and my cursive writing book.…

  3. The idea that goldfish only have a 3 second memory is actually a myth. Here are some facts on goldfish…

  4. Thank you for writing such a thoughtful blog post about houses. Your passion for the topic really shines through. Keep…


“Kinooze is a place for children to learn about news topics that are of interest to them and allows them to think critically about what they are reading/hearing and connect it to information they already have. It is interactive in that news can be posted by children, parent, teachers, etc”

— Dr. Donna Karno, Department Of Early Childhood Education, University Of Maine

“Kinooze is for kids. This site gives your kids a chance to read up on current events they might find interesting, such as articles about self-driving cars, cool inventions, or exciting astronomical events.”

— HughesNet Publication

Reimagined. For Kids.

Our mission is to work hand-in-hand with educators to inspire a generation of lifelong learners.

We believe that education is a transformative journey, and educators play a crucial role in shaping students’ minds and futures.

Through our collaborative learning tools and personalized resources, we aim to foster critical thinking, and promote a culture of curiosity and exploration within the school community.

Wild Life Facts For Kids

  • Dust Devils: Nature’s Whirling Wonders!

    Dust Devils: Nature’s Whirling Wonders!

    Once upon a time, in a vast and dry desert, a group of young explorers embarked on a thrilling adventure. They had heard tales of a strange natural phenomenon called dust devils. Also known as miniature tornadoes, and were eager to uncover their enchanting secrets. Let’s read the facts that they discovered. What Are Dust…

History Facts For Kids

  • Kings and Queens: Exploring the Past and Present

    Kings and Queens: Exploring the Past and Present

    Welcome to the world of kings and queens! Today, we’ll learn about the royal rulers of the past and compare them to the kings and queens of today. Get ready to pretend you have a crown as we explore their world! Long ago, kings and queens were the leaders of their kingdoms. They lived in…

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