Category: News For Kids

  • US Health Advisory Over Malaria

    US Health Advisory Over Malaria

    Malaria, a disease associated with tropical regions is in the news in the US recently. A small number of people, 4 from Florida and 1 from Texas have caught it. Health officials in the US think it is locally acquired. And it might spread faster in the summer. Let’s explore what malaria is, and what…

  • A New Dinosaur Found on the Isle of Wight!

    A New Dinosaur Found on the Isle of Wight!

    Guess what? Scientists have found a new dinosaur species on the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom! It’s called Vectipelta barretti. They discovered its fossils on this special island. Vectipelta barretti had a cool feature—it had a blade-like spiked protective cover! But don’t worry, it was a plant-eating dinosaur. Researchers from the U.K.’s Natural…

  • Spiny Ants: Tricksters That Play Dead

    Spiny Ants: Tricksters That Play Dead

    Let’s start with a brain teaser today! What did the Pink Panther say when he stepped on an ant?Dead Ant, Dead Ant…Dead Ant, Dead Ant, Dead Ant… Something similar happened on Kangaroo Island, Australia, recently. As a part of a special project, “Kangaroo Island Nest Box Project,” which aims to restore wildlife after the bushfires.…

  • Canada’s Wildfire Paints New York City Skyline Orange

    Canada’s Wildfire Paints New York City Skyline Orange

    Do you know those cool photos of New York City’s skyline? Well, recently, there was something unusual. The pictures showed the sky covered in an orange haze. Do you know what caused it? It’s because of the wildfires happening in Canada. The smoke from those fires traveled to New York, and painted the skyline orange.…

  • How Social Media Impacts our Well Being

    How Social Media Impacts our Well Being

    Most of us are addicted to social media. Either we are on Facebook or Instagram for more than an hour every day. We think that makes us happier, bringing us closer to the people we like or follow. However, the reality is not what it seems – according to recent research published in the Journal…

  • New method for the treatment of Alzheimer’s

    New method for the treatment of Alzheimer’s

    Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disorder that results in wearing away of brain cells. Sadly, there is no cure for this disease. At least no one has found one yet. There is no way to reduce the extent of damage caused and there is no way to completely eradicate it, which is terrible considering the…

  • A Penguin That Returns to its Savior Every Year

    A Penguin That Returns to its Savior Every Year

    Mr Joao Pereira de Souza is a retired bricklayer who lives in Provetá Beach, Ilha Grande, in the state Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro is a big seaside city in Brazil. One day, in May 2011, Joao was going about his daily work when he saw something very strange. He saw a sick looking…

  • Message In A Bottle!

    Message In A Bottle!

    An Australian couple Sean and Shelly Thomas recently vacationing in Scotland found a bottle in the sand dunes of Rattray Head on Scotland’s north-east coast. Imagine their surprise when they opened the bottle and found a 44-year-old message. Sean Thomas who is a collector and loves to collect unique things found this bottle on one of his routine hunts. The couple noticed…

  • The Next Total Solar Eclipse

    The Next Total Solar Eclipse

    Come March 20th and some parts of Earth would be plunged into complete darkness. The lucky winners are who will experience total solar eclipse are Northern Scandinavia and the Faroe Islands. The Isle of Lewis will only get 2% of the sun rays where the main Scotland will receive 6% of the sunlight. UK is…

  • Vaccination Debate Over Measles Outbreak In US

    Vaccination Debate Over Measles Outbreak In US

      Disneyland theme park in California, US is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world. People pour in from all over the world to see it. It is flocked by thousands of visitors including tourists and locals every day. In December 2014, a person infected with measles, a highly contagious virus, was…

  • NASA To Study Identical Twins

    NASA To Study Identical Twins

    Do you have an identical twin? Identical twins have identical genetic profiles. They look very similar, and if brought up in the same environment they even behave similarly. You just can’t tell one twin from the other! Twins are usually study subjects of researchers in the science labs. Why does the space organisation NASA needs…

  • Blue Algae Boom In Hong Kong

    Blue Algae Boom In Hong Kong

    Many of Hong Kong’s shores are shimmering with bright blue waves. The Tolo Harbour, in northeast of HongKong and the Silver Mine beach in the Lantau island, the biggest island of Hong kong, are one of the few places that are lit up by the glowing waves at the night. What makes this phenomenon exceptional is that humans have nothing to do…