Olympic Medal Tally - Day 6, Photocredit:bbc uk

Olympics Medal Tally – Day 6

(photo credit: bbc uk)

Day 6 at the Olympics, turned out to be fantastic for host nation Britain. They won 3 gold and 3 silver medals in cycling, canoeing and shooting to claim 5th spot in the medal table. BBC said it was one of the country’s greatest days in the history of the Games. They were on 11th position in medal table yesterday. That’s remarkable!

Star of the day – or shall we say Stars? One – Great Britain for their champion performance yesterday!. Two – Michael Phelps for winning record 20th Olympic medal in 200m individual medley.

Shock of the day – Greek Olympian Papachristou has been expelled from her country’s Olympic team for posting ugly comments on Internet about the Africans living in Greece. Her actions are totally against the Olympic spirit of equality and fairness.

Given below is the medal tally of day six:

Olympics Medal Tally - Day 6

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