Boeing 787 audience

Boeing Dreamliners Down To Earth

This week on Wednesday Japan grounded all Boeing 787 Dreamliner airplanes when one of the Dreamliner airplanes developed battery malfunction during the flight and had to be emergency-landed.

By Thursday, US, India and Qatar also joined Japan in grounding Boeing Dreamliners.

39 out of the 50 Dreamliners in operation around the world have now been grounded. This is a huge setback for the company, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, who is the manufacturer of these planes. Some of the airline companies may be considering to ask Boeing for a compensation now since the Dreamliner airplanes purchased by these companies cannot return to the skies until they clear safety tests.

Airline companies like Air India were depending on the Dreamliner’s smart engine which eats up lesser fuel compared to other modern airplanes.


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