Nelson Mandela Critically ill

Image Credit: Flickr User SPakhrin, via CC

Much loved and highly admired “Father of the Nation” of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, is critically ill. The 94-year-old former South African president has been in and out of hospital three times this year for recurring lung infection. The last time he was in the hospital was in April 2012.

Nelson Mandela is highly revered by his countrymen for initiating anti-apartheid movement in his country in 1948. In 1962, he was sent to prison for 27 years for his protests. It is in prison that he contacted tuberculosis(a highly infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs) in 1980’s while working in a prison quarry.

The beloved leader has his family by his side, and the whole country is praying for his speedy recovery.

Want to Know more about life of this famous leader? Read Nelson Mandela – A Universal hero.

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