Category: Facts For Kids
The Journey of Bread
The French Baguette, Italian Ciabatta, German Pumpernickel or Indian Naan all have something in common. Can you guess what? Yes! They are all breads, main part of our diet, and full of carbohydrates. Did you know that breads have been around for almost 30,000 years? The breads have been a part of humans ever since…
Spring and Fall
Once upon a time there lived a beautiful fairy who took care of all the harvest on earth. Her name was Ceres. Ceres took care that the earth looked beautiful all year round with blossomed flowers and bountiful of crop. The trees were laden with fruits, and the grass was green everywhere. Ceres made sure…
Great Carbohydrates
“I am not eating any carbs anymore because I am putting on weight”, said mum to her aunt Nina. “Anyone who cuts down on carbs will lose weight, that is for sure,” exclaimed aunt Nina. Anya overheard the conversation between her mum and aunt Nina. However, Anya could not figure out what exactly carbs was.…
Interesting Turtle Facts
The first thing that you notice about turtles probably is their hard shell and slow pace. They do not come across as particularly smart creatures, but do you know that they have inhabited the earth for more than 200 million years? Doesn’t that mean they must be really special? Yes, they are, and there is…
Ultimate Uranus
With gas the surface is covered, I was the first to be discovered. Named after a roman God of heaven, I am the planet number seven. Travelling to Uranus is so difficult that you would lose a lot of weight on the way. When you arrive at Uranus, you would weigh much lesser than what…
The Mysterious Ape
Have you ever heard about Bigfoot? Or a yeti? Or an abominable snowman? These are all names for extremely mysterious large hairy ape-like creature, covered in dark brown or dark reddish hair and about 6–10 feet tall and weighing more than 230 kg (500 pounds). Depending on where they have been spotted around the world,…
Who were The Romans?
The Romans. Great soldiers. Gladiators. There is a legend about the first men that built the city Rome. Two little boys named Romulus and Remus, were found in the bushes near a river bank. A mother wolf was passing through and heard their sobs. When the boys saw the wolf, instead of getting scared they…
Vital in Daily Routine – Mr Protein
When I was growing up, my mother constantly reminded me how important it was for me to finish my egg and milk in breakfast, or my bowl of pulse and rice in lunch, or my chicken fingers in dinner. Can you guess why? It was because they all had one vital nutrient in common –…
The Fisherman Bird – Pelican
“My beak is a bowl, but it is also a fishnet, I will catch as many as fish as I get.” Pelican is indeed a very funny looking fisherman :) Ever seen this bird royally soaring over the oceans? It is amazing. Ever observed a pelican walking? If there is any bird that can walk…
Fire was discovered by early humans by chance. How? Now we know that for a fire to be ignited, we have to heat up fuel like gas, wood, coal to a high enough temperature. One of the ways this can be done is by rapidly grinding pieces of fuel like wood against each other or…
The Prickly Plant – Cactus
Plants need very little from us, don’t they? They just need a little sunshine, rain and fertile soil. Few plants need even lesser. Cactus is one such plant. It needs only sunshine. Cactus gets its name from the Greek word “kaktos,” meaning “thistle.” They grow in deserts where there is hardly any rainfall. These plants…
Are You Scared?
All of us are scared of something. Look at the poor Dino! He seems awfully scared of that tiny rat! I am extremely scared of cockroaches. Once I saw a big ugly fellow loitering in my house at night, I couldn’t sleep thereafter. I spent the whole night sitting on a chair, upright and alert, fearing that it…