Category: More stories

  • Ancient Lake of Antartica

    Ancient Lake of Antartica Lake Ellsworth  is about 14km long, 3km wide and 160m deep and lies under 2 miles of thick. It has been like that for almost half million years. British scientist Martin Siegert discovered the subglacial lake in 1996. The scientist’s are not going to get this done easily as the lake is located in a part of Antarctica that is […]

  • Book Your Tickets for Moon

    Book Your Tickets for Moon

    SpaceX recently announced that it will be constructing buildings on Mars. Now another space company Golden Spike hopes to start personal trips to the moon by 2020. Alan Stern, the head of  the company hopes that people could visit the Moon for scientific research or to make their country proud. There is a lot of platinum […]

  • Five eclipses in 2013

    Five eclipses in 2013

    We will get to see five eclipses in year 2013 out of which three will be lunar eclipses and two of them will be solar eclipses. An eclipse is an astronomical event where one object in the sky moves into the shadow of another such object. During Lunar eclipse, the moon passes through the shadow […]

  • Solar Plant in Africa

    Solar Plant in Africa

    A British company Blue Energy is planning to construct the largest solar plant in Ghana, Africa. This Solar plant will be the biggest on the continent. A Solar plant takes the sunlight and converts it into electricity and other forms of energy. The project named as Nezma project will start in another 12 months and cost […]

  • Dolphins or Robots?

    Dolphins or Robots?

    Did you know that American military uses dolphins as the underwater bomb squad? Eighty dolphins have been trained to do this, and were used to find underwater bombs in Iraq last year. Well these dolphins have to find a new job now because robots named Kingfish will replace them.

  • Spot Jupiter in The Night Sky Today!

    Spot Jupiter in The Night Sky Today!

    Planet Jupiter is going to come closest to Earth on Monday, and the good news is that you would be able to spot it in the skies with your naked eyes. Though even at closest, approximately 588 million Kms away, it will be nicely seen from an hour after the sunset in the eastern direction. It […]

  • Huge Black Hole Found

    Huge Black Hole Found

    A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out. The gravity is so strong because the matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. It just swallows any light that is around it and thus it cannot be seen. Now Astronomers have spotted a massive black […]

  • Around the World Without Flying

    Around the World Without Flying

    Britisher Graham Hughes set a world record for being the most travelled person on the planet. He travelled across the world and visited 201 nations without even once boarding a plane!! So how did he do it? He either took a ground transport or walked on feet to visit every country in the world. His […]

  • Buildings On Mars

    Buildings On Mars

    Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) CEO Elon Musk is planning to make a colony of 80,000 people on Mars and the ticket will only cost you half a million dollars. Have you ever wondered what do astronauts do when they are out of food supplies or equipment supplies? Or if they have to send some test samples back to […]

  • Dust Storm On Mars

    Dust Storm On Mars

    NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) first spotted the Martian dust  storm on Nov. 10 and has been tracking ever since. A global dust storm on Mars could have some difficulties for for the Opportunity and Curiosity rovers. If the current dust storm were to expand to cover the Red Planet, it will cover the rovers and affect […]

  • Greenland losing Ice..

    Greenland losing Ice..

    Glacier-covered Greenland has had an average net loss of 200 million tons of ice every year since 2003, scientists who are studying the changing mass of the island using satellite data have confirmed that. Scientists use the rate of melting ice in Greenland as the measure of rate of Global warming. The really  interesting part […]

  • Three Fingered Frog

    Three Fingered Frog

    The tiny, three-fingered frog, Brachycephalus tridactylus, was found in a rainforest reserve in southern Brazil. This frog was discovered in Feburary 14, 2007 by biologist Michel Garey. But it was not until June this year that the discovery of this new species – Brachycephalus tridactylus – was officially established. Wonder where this frog lost its fourth […]

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