Happy Birthday Sunita Williams

Happy Birthday Sunita Williams

Indian-American astronaut Sunita Williams was born in Ohio on September 19, 1965.

When she was little, she loved animals and wanted to be a vet.

When she grew she joined United States Navy and later in 1998, after being Selected by NASA for ‘Astronaut Candidate training’ , she began her career as a NASA astronaut.

Williams holds two records for women space travellers: most number of spacewalks (six) – sixth spacewalk happened recently on September 5, 2012, and total time spent on spacewalks is 44 hours and 2 minutes.

On 17th September 2012, Sunita became the second woman in 14 year history of ISS to become commander of International Space Station(ISS).

Williams along with two other astronauts Russian Yuri Malenchenko and Japanese Akihiko Hoshide went to International Space Station in july for a four-month stay. They will return back to Earth in November.

Wishing her a very Happy Birthday in Space!!

(ImageCourtesy: Nasa.gov)

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