Everybody has a right to education. You kids already know that going to school is very important and a must. However, there are some kids that are not able to go to school. Sometimes because they do not have enough money to pay for school and sometimes bad people do not allow them to go to school. A similar thing happened to Malala, a little girl from Swat, Pakistan. Some very bad people whom we know as Taliban told the kids to stop going to school especially girls. Strange huh! Malala refused to listen to them and went to one nonetheless.
Almost two years ago, Malala was shot by the Taliban extremists while she was in her school bus. Her only crime – she wanted to go to school and study. After recovering from this assassination attempt, she moved to Birmingham, England. Her dream was to get good education and education for all. She became an education rights worker along with following her dream. She told the world what was happening in Swat, her hometown.

At 17, She is the youngest person to receive the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize award. Circumstances make ordinary people who have courage – extraordinary, and she is one of them.
The Nobel Prize is a prestigious award that is given out to people who have an outstanding performance in their area of work. Some of the main categories are Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace.
This year Malala shares the Nobel peace prize with Kailash Satyarthi, who has worked tirelessly against child labor and for the betterment of children in India.
Congratulations to both!
Some interesting facts about Nobel prize:
- The youngest person yet to receive this award was Tawakkol Karman, an activist in Yemen who was 32 when she shared the award with two other women in 2011
- The awards are named after Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist and inventor of dynamite.
- The awards were given out the first time in 1901, five years after Alfred Nobel’s death.
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