
Safe Home Not So Safe

Image Credit: Flickr User Vagabond Shutterbug, via CC

You would think that a man could be safe in his house. Unfortunately for Jeffrey Bush, 36, who lived in Florida this was not true. On Thursday night, when Mr Bush was in bed,  his bed room just disappeared. How?

It was swallowed by a huge sinkhole under his home. Sinkholes are a common feature in Florida, including the Tampa. The Hillsborough County, where Thursday’s incident occurred, the area is known as part of Florida’s so-called “Sinkhole Alley”.

What are these sinkholes or the snake holes?

Some times, if the the rocks under the Earth surface are made up of limestone or carbonate rocks, the water keeps rising up and over time it completely erodes the layers of rock. This causes a sinkhole also known as a sinksnake hole. Sinkholes can be small or really huge in size. Sinkholes may be formed gradually or suddenly, and are found worldwide.

Mr Bush’s family is still in shock where as the neighbors are asked to evacuate their house because the authorities are suspicious that  there might be a sinkhole under their house as well.

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