Ah! Beautiful Spain! Spain is a country that is located in the southwestern Europe. It’s territory includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic. Spain is the only country in Europe that borders Morocco in Africa. The country was ruled by Romans and Muslims in the past, but somewhere in 15th century it became independent. Madrid is the capital city of Spain and is very famous for traditional sport of bull fighting. Have you heard the funny story of ‘Ferdinand-the bull’ who loved to be lazy and smell flowers but was sent for bull fighting instead? Next time to go to the library look for it!

Guess what’s the language spoken in Spain? Remember Dora and her Hola! and Gracias! It’s Spanish! Dora speaks Spanish although she is a Latin girl from America. Surprised? Actually it is not a wonder because Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. Spain is the birthplace of many world famous artists like Pablo Picasso, Antonio Gaudi, El Greco, and Goya.

Have you heard about Flamenco? No, we are not talking about the bird. Flamenco is a typically Spanish dance characterized by loud tapping of the foot. Look at the video below to sneak a peek at a Flamenco performance:
Talking about sports, soccer is the most popular sport in Spain. FC Barcelona and Real Madrid are very famous football clubs. Tennis is not far behind. Rafael Nadal is from Spain.
So if you are enchanted by this country and plan to travel to it, remember to take Euro because that’s the money that works there!
Interesting Spanish facts:
There are no tooth fairies in Spain. Instead, there is a tooth mouse named Ratoncito Pérez.
Segovia in Spain has sleeping beauty’s castle.
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