Art on Walls

Look at the picture above. You must have seen this art of matchstick figures a few times. It is called ‘Warli Art’. Warlis are the tribal who live in Maharashtra. Their huts are made of clay and walls covered with cow dung. Since they don’t have access to fancy things to decorate their homes, they decorate their walls with these drawings.They also paint all over especially on occasions like weddings, festivals, and birthdays. Now that is so creative, isn’t  it?


To start painting, the dried walls are given a coating of bright red color mud (gheroo). White paint is made out of Rice powder mixed with milk and water. Brush are made from the twigs of trees. Simple standing, sleeping lines, triangles and diamonds are created. Then other things like animals, people, trees, birds, the sun, the moon, forest, huts, are drawn.

Don’t you think each of these paintings seems to be telling an interesting story?

Here is a story about how the art may have been born:
” A little girl Shirvi wanted to Give her parents a happy surprise before they returned from the village. Suddenly she saw something strange. She saw magical moon people…”
What happened next? To know all, Read – Dancing on Walls by Shamim Padamsee.

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