Author: Kinooze Learning
Foggy Fog
It had been a month since seven year old Jacky moved to Delhi, India. Winters were setting in the northern part of the country. Jacky had moved in from Mumbai, another very popular city in India. Mumbai for the most part of the year was warm and humid. Jacky was slowly getting used to the…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
(Ananya, 9, spreads Christmas cheer through her poem) Santa is coming to town, bringing gifts and taking away frowns. He gives a lot of happiness and joy to every single girl and boy. He has a big and round tummy, which some people think is funny. At last, children take out gift wrappings; even the…
Mobster Lobster
Skeleton on the outside, Teeth on the inside. Eyes hang on stalks, Legs for walks. Lobster is a mobster, As he eats the other lobster. Oh! That heavenly plate of lobster simmered in lemon with creamy butter. Don’t we all like our lobster like that? But there is much more to know about lobster, in…
Coldest Place on Earth!
Which is the coldest place on Earth? Antarctica of course! But where in Antarctica and how did the scientist find that out? With the help of a new remote sensing satellite, NASA-USGS LandSat 8, that is orbiting the Earth. It keeps an eye on the effects of changing climate on the land surface. Scientist can track these…
Germs : The Teeth Invaders
(Mihika, 9, explains beautifully through her poem how bad germs can be.) They wander in your teeth, To find something sweet. They come in the night, When you are sleeping tight. If you dont brush, They’ll come in a rush. If they find some thing sweet, They’ll break your teeth. So take care of your…
The Man Who Knew Everything – Leonardo Da Vinci
Almost five hundred years ago, Florence, Italy was home to great artists. Anybody who wanted to become an artist came to this city and worked under an experienced older artist. A fourteen year old boy began studying art with the artist Verrocchio, a famous artist. This young boy was smart, strong and clever. He seemed to…
The Tooth Fairy’s Gift
Wayne was six and a half years old, and he was getting very impatient. Why? All his classmates had lost at least one tooth and had received gifts from the tooth fairy. He was the only kid that had all his milk teeth. Then one afternoon while playing football, Wayne got hit by the football.…
Home Delivery by Drones
Amazon has done something amazing. If you order something from amazon now, you can expect it in 30 minutes. Wow! Not even pizza gets delivered that fast. Chief Executive Jeff Bezos announced that Amazon has tested unmanned drones to deliver packaged goods to customers. What are drones? A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which is actually an aircraft without…
King of Speed
(Shash, 11, describes what it is like to be a Cheetah in his poem) I’m the cheetah, The king of speed, I take care of my cubs, A very good deed, In a race, I take the lead, I keep my pace, A very scarce breed, I do not roar, I growl fiercely, I personally…
Homes That Insects Build
Don’t we all love to build safe homes for ourselves? There is no place in the world like home. Not only is this saying true for humans, but also for the all the creatures. The most interesting among all house builders are tiny insects. Some of their homes resemble towers, apartment houses or even log…
The LightHouse
On a foggy day, when you hear a whale snoring, It is probably a foghorn blaring, Beware! you are reaching the shore, When the fog fades away, you will get the lights galore. What is a lighthouse? Is it a part of a light show? Or a different kind of traffic light? Well, it is…
Jane and The Cheetah
(Nathasha, 9, finishes her story A Big Cat) Read the first part of the story here. In front of her was a cheetah, circling her. Jane was very astonished because she wasn’t expecting a cheetah. Then she remembered, when she had read the poster, a part of it had been ripped. She now knew the…