Author: Kinooze Learning

  • To Space in Six hours

    To Space in Six hours

      Can you believe it? A manned Soyuz spacecraft has docked at the International Space Station (ISS) after a journey of mere six hours. The journey that usually takes a couple of days was cut short by forty two hours because scientists cut short the number of orbits the spacecraft travelled. Spacecraft displayed some very fine…

  • My Little Brother

    My Little Brother

    (This endearing post is written by Shreya who is 9 years old) I love my little brother. I love him first, no one other. He is very kind and he has a sharp mind. We spend lots of time with each other, and always love to sleep together. Things are fun when he is around,…

  • April Fools Day

    April Fools Day

    Aha! The day to play pranks, pull tricks and be mischievous is back again! April 1st – fun-filled April Fools day is also known as All Fools day  in some countries. Do you have any idea about the origin this day that makes you giggle and laugh so much? Here is what history says. Up until late…

  • Eiffel Tower Evacuated

    Eiffel Tower Evacuated

    There was a threat claim made on Eiffel Tower, world’s famous landmark. As a result the tower was evacuated, and all 1,400 visitors were asked to leave the landmark as France’s anti-terrorism police watched the situation. It could take a few hours to complete the search. This is not the first time this has happened. The tower has…

  • Happy Easter!!

    Happy Easter!!

    Easter is a Christian festival and is celebrated by Christians all over the world. It is a very joyous time for them as according to Bible it is on this day, third day after crucification of Lord Jesus, that he reappeared in front of people. This is known as resurrection of Jesus Christ. It always falls on the…

  • All About Good Friday

    All About Good Friday

    Good Friday is a Christian tradition to mark the day when Jesus Christ, the son of God, was nailed to the cross. This is often known as crucification of Lord Jesus. It was on this day that Jesus was beaten and tortured because he claimed to be the son of God.  A crown of  thorns was…

  • Ming’s Kite

    Ming’s Kite

    Ming was a happy eight year old boy. His father was a fisherman and Ming always wanted to go sailing and fishing with him. One day Ming’s  father was going for fishing and it was very windy. Ming was sad because his father did not want to take him along as the sea was very…

  • Ancient Civilisation – Maya

    Ancient Civilisation – Maya

      A long time ago, around 2000 BC, some people came and settled in the rain forests of  the Yucatan Peninsula of Central America. These people were known as the Mayas. The Maya people ruled for around 1500 years and then they abandoned the peninsula and disappeared. No body knows much about how they came into being…

  • The Iron Lady of France – Eiffel Tower

    The Iron Lady of France – Eiffel Tower

    Hundred years after the french revolution, a World Fair – Exposition Universelle – was organised in France in 1889.  In 1887, it was decided that there should be a landmark for the celebrations in the memory of the 100th anniversary of the French republic. The structure was to be built as an arch entrance to…

  • All About Airplanes!

    All About Airplanes!

    The birds had been flying for millions of years whereas “The metal birds” – the airplanes – have been flying only since the early 20th century. Before there were airplanes humans tried to fly but they did not know how to. After many years of trying they were able to fly kites in the air.…

  • Earthquake Hits Taiwan

    Earthquake Hits Taiwan

    A strong earthquake of magnitude-6.1 hit the island country of Taiwan. The earthquake had an epicentre in Nantou County which is about 250 kilometers away from the capital city of Taipei. The earthquake hit the island, and shook the buildings. Since it happened during daytime, school kids had to run for cover. Only one person has…

  • Prestigious Architecture Award

    Prestigious Architecture Award

    The 2013 Pritzker architecture prize has been awarded to a Japanese architect, Toyo Ito. The Pritzker prize is considered one of the world’s premier architecture prizes and it is often referred to as the Nobel Prize of architecture. Toyo Ito has been awarded for his immensely creative and functional building designs. One of the building that particularly stands out…