April fools day

April Fools Day

Image Credit: Flickr User Alexandre Berbe, via CC

Aha! The day to play pranks, pull tricks and be mischievous is back again! April 1st – fun-filled April Fools day is also known as All Fools day  in some countries.

Do you have any idea about the origin this day that makes you giggle and laugh so much? Here is what history says. Up until late 16th century, New year was celebrated with much excitement on April 1. Then in 1562, Pope Gregory changed the then used calendar to the Gregorian calendar which is the one that we use today.  According to the new calendar, the new year began on January 1st. Many people in France and other European towns didn’t know about it and continued to celebrate the New year on April 1. Other people called them April Fools because they were foolishly celebrating the New year on the wrong day.

In France, till date children stick paper fishes on their back as a trick and shout “April fish!” in their local languages.

People react differently when they succeed in fooling other people.

In France, the prankster yells “Poisson d’Avril!” Meaning April fish.
In England, if a trick is played on you, you are a “noodle.”
In Scotland, you are called an “April gowk” which means a foolish person.
How would you like to fool your friends on this day?

How about making cookies for them with salt. Wait till they have the first bite ;)

Here’s another one. Remove the candy from the wrapper. Wrap a plastic thingy about the size of a candy in a candy wrapper and offer it to your friends.

Start gazing in the sky and tell your friend you just spotted something strange. See if he gets fooled ;)

I have used all of these pranks on my friends. Do you have any new fooling ideas for me?

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