Category: Facts For Kids

  • Did Humans Evolve From Fish?

    Did Humans Evolve From Fish?

    Have you ever felt like you are a fish? That you love water and want to swim in it forever? Or maybe don an artificial tail and eat some kelp for the rest of your life? Then behold, this instinct is all natural and owes to our fishy past. There is a lot of evidence that…

  • Message In A Bottle!

    Message In A Bottle!

    An Australian couple Sean and Shelly Thomas recently vacationing in Scotland found a bottle in the sand dunes of Rattray Head on Scotland’s north-east coast. Imagine their surprise when they opened the bottle and found a 44-year-old message. Sean Thomas who is a collector and loves to collect unique things found this bottle on one of his routine hunts. The couple noticed…

  • Who is Bill Gates?

    Who is Bill Gates?

    How does one become the richest in America, the richest in the world and that too without having to go to college ever?  Seriously! Is this a joke? You must be thinking to yourself. Nope. In order to make that happen you will have to think and act like Bill (William) Gates, the founder of Microsoft. He who…

  • What is Work?

    What is Work?

    You sit in the chair and study for hours for the exam the next day. Then you wrap up and run to the couch. You sit and watch television, unwind a bit. Your mum calls you in distress from the kitchen. A heavy flour box is almost falling down on her. You throw your hands…

  • All About The Ocean

    All About The Ocean

    We have explored almost all the land area on Earth, but we yet have to explore the entire oceans that cover almost three-quarters of our Earth. Let us learn some interesting facts about ocean and terms used for the phenomenons related to the oceans. The five oceans that take up three-quarters of the space on…

  • What is Chinese New Year?

    What is Chinese New Year?

    The entire world celebrates the new year on January 1 except the Chinese. Why? Do they not believe in the new year and the new beginnings? No way. Everyone loves new year! It is just that the Chinese celebrate their new year at a different time. They bring in their new year somewhere between January 19…

  • The Ship of The Desert – Camel

    The Ship of The Desert – Camel

    Have you ever tried walking on the sand? Not easy is it? Your feet sink into the sand, making them feel so heavy when you lift them to take a step forward. Now try walking on the sand when it is extremely hot. It is tough, isn’t it? So how do people move around in…

  • Why do Some Animals Have Scales?

    Why do Some Animals Have Scales?

    To answer this question, imagine a crocodile, a snake or a fish without scales. They would look odd. And even more, they would become so vulnerable. While looks are not so important, safety is. Considering the harsh conditions that animals live in, scales are like their armour that protect them. These animals are no less than knights with shining…

  • Finding The Lost Ship Wrecks

    Finding The Lost Ship Wrecks

    When a ship meets with an accident and sinks to the ocean floor, it is said to be wrecked.  How do these wrecks happen? Wrecks usually happen in storms or by running aground from poor navigation, or due to enemy attacks during the war. There are an estimated 3 million shipwrecks sitting on the ocean…

  • A Train as Fast as an Aeroplane – Maglev Train

    A Train as Fast as an Aeroplane – Maglev Train

    Can a train travel as fast as an airplane? Yes, the Maglev train does move at speeds comparable to air travel. And to make things interesting it does not travel on the rails, it floats on a cushion of air just above a single rail! Another very interesting fact about this train is that it…

  • What is Erosion?

    What is Erosion?

    Erosion is the process of wearing away of things. It is used a lot in the context of our Earth. When a big landform- let us say a mountain, gradually wears away to become a smaller hill, we say it has eroded. Erosion can also happen on land. Soil erosion is a very common thing.…

  • What Is The United Nations?

    What Is The United Nations?

    As you know, all the countries have their governments taking care of them. Each country only thinks about their development and growth. In doing that sometimes they are unfair to each other. Many countries are not strong enough to protect themselves from others. Who makes sure that everyone is treated fair, and no one misbehaves? We need to…