Category: Facts For Kids

  • All About Christmas Carols

    All About Christmas Carols

    The melody of Christmas carols all around in the month of December makes Christmas merrier. Don’t you feel that when you sing carols, you get that extra boost of happiness. All those la la la’s fill you up with cheer, just what you need during festive times. Christmas without carols would be candy without sugar or pizza…

  • What do Plants need To Grow?

    What do Plants need To Grow?

    Have you ever wondered why trees and plants grow in some places and not in the others? Why do some pieces of land have many trees, while some have almost none growing on them at all? Let us explore. In order to grow, plants need several things.The most important one is warmth. Just like we need the warmth of…

  • What is Friction?

    What is Friction?

    Do you know why things fall on the ground? They do because they are pulled by a force known as gravity. Have you seen how magnets stick to each other? They do so because they are pulled by a force known as the magnetic force. Do you know how we are able to walk? Our legs…

  • Who Was Isaac Newton?

    Who Was Isaac Newton?

    Isaac had just returned from an apple orchard after spending the whole day there watching apples drop to the ground. “Why does apple always fall downwards? Why does it not go sideways, or upwards? But constantly falls to the Earth’s center?”, He asked his grandma. Grandma felt bad that she could not answer any of…

  • Weird Noses

    Weird Noses

    We all know that noses serve two purposes – breathing and smelling. Right? But some animals do more than that, and their weird noses help them. They have very strange noses, and if there ever were a competition to decide which animal has the weirdest nose, it would be a tough call but there are…

  • The Stone Age Man

    The Stone Age Man

    The Stone Age lasted for thousands of years. When archaeologists refer to the Stone Age, they usually suffix words with ‘lithic’ which means ‘relating to stone’. Since Stone Age spans over so many years, the Stone Age is divided by archaeologists into three stages: •Palaeolithic period(Paleo means ancient)•Mesolithic period( Meso means middle)•Neolithic period (Neo means…

  • The Flying Fish – Manta Ray

    The Flying Fish – Manta Ray

    If you were to go underwater diving, you would see this fish soaring high as an eagle. Manta rays or the Eagle rays as they are called are very interesting creatures. They are mostly found in the warm waters of the tropical seas. Do they really fly? Umm Nope! It appears as if they are…

  • Who is A Lawyer?

    Who is A Lawyer?

    A lawyer is a person who is cool, To become one he goes to law school. Oh! All the laws that he has to cram, In order to pass the BAR exam. There are many different types of lawyers, And they are paid top dollar. A criminal defense lawyer works all the time, And saves the people that are accused of…

  • Time Travel

    Time Travel

    Car travel. Bus travel. Train travel. Time travel. Pick the odd one out. If you chose time travel, you are right in the sense that time is not a vehicle that we can use to travel. But is it possible to travel through time? Can we visit our past and take a sneak peek into…

  • Why do Planets Spin?

    Why do Planets Spin?

    We all know that the gravitational force keeps the planets orbiting around the Sun, and moons around their respective planets. But have you ever thought why the all the planets in our solar system rotate? Why do all of them except Venus and Uranus rotate in a counter-clockwise direction? Does the Sun also rotate? Well,…

  • Who were the Vikings?

    Who were the Vikings?

    Ever heard of the horn cap clad, red-bearded, scary looking sea raider – Hagar the horrible? Hagar, the main character of a very famous American comic strip is a Viking. Vikings were people who lived in Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark and Sweden together makes Scandinavia) between 8th and the 11th century. Vikings were great warriors and…

  • Hiding of The Sun and The Moon – Eclipse

    Hiding of The Sun and The Moon – Eclipse

    Long time ago, the Sun, Moon and the Earth decided to play hide and seek. Little did they know that there was nowhere to hide. But they still wanted to play the game. So the Moon thought that it will hide behind the Earth when the Sun had to catch him. As soon as it hid…