Category: Science
Mist and Dew
Mist.. Is it fog or a small cloud? Well, it could be both. A very thin fog is called mist or cloud on the ground can be mist. Well, how are they formed? When warm air comes in contact with the cold surface, or damp air becomes cold (again coming in contact with the cold…
The Metal Men – Robots
Remember “I will be back” from the movie “The Terminator“. Robots or the metal men that we have today don’t look like the ones in sci fi movies. They look like machines controlled by computers. They can do the same work over and over again without getting tired or bored. Sometimes they do the work…
Health Food For Earth – Compost
You eat junk food. But you are always told to eat more of healthy food. Why? Healthy food has nutrients that are essential for your body. Earth needs to eat healthy food too. It needs nutrients to replenish itself. One way Earth does it is by eating compost. What is compost? Compost is organic material like dry…
How the Earth was Made?
And God created Earth… Our Earth. It is a very special planet. It is so unique that its presence just feels like a miracle, none of the other planets of our Solar system are that special. The rest of the space that we have explored so far only shows a possibility of another planet like…
What is Force?
Why does the Earth revolve around the Sun? Why do two magnets pull each other? How can a boat stay afloat on the water? What make us stay on the spherical Earth and not fall off? You would be surprised by the answer. All the questions have the same answer. Forces. Different kinds of forces.…
All About Fixing Bones
Zoom! Crash! Bang! Aaaah! These are the sounds that you generally get to hear when someone is playing or running, and they fall. Oops! If that happens to you, you go to the doctor. He takes a picture of your bone (X ray) and informs you that a bone is broken. Breaking a bone means…
Foggy Fog
It had been a month since seven year old Jacky moved to Delhi, India. Winters were setting in the northern part of the country. Jacky had moved in from Mumbai, another very popular city in India. Mumbai for the most part of the year was warm and humid. Jacky was slowly getting used to the…
Spies of the Sea – Submarines
While most boats like to stay afloat, submarines like to stay hidden under the water. Submarines are the boats that can stay underwater and also float on the water. Since they stay more under the water their design is very different from the normal ships. Of course, the first requirement is that it has to…
A Very important Metal – Iron
“What is the most important metal for human kind?” Teacher asked the class. A few hands were raised. “Gold”, Jenna answered. “Silver”, Patrick tried. Teacher shook her head and said, ” People don’t realize a lot of times that gold and silver might be very expensive and sought after metals, but they are not the…
Atoms, Molecules, Matter
The tiniest bit that makes up everything around us is called an atom. The chair you sit on, the school bag you carry, the chocolate cake you love to eat, that vegetable sandwich that you do not like so much, and even you, just everything is made up of atoms. The chair is made of…
What Makes Your Body Move? Mr. Muscle
You are familiar with your skeleton. A bony framework that is the root of your body. There are layers of flesh, fat and skin over it that makes you. Have you wondered what helps your body move so smoothly? Is it the bones? Fat? Skin? Well you all probably know that it is the muscles.…
We know a lot about most organs in our body, and their crucial functions. We have read about how brain is the boss of our body and, how heart pumps blood to our body and keeps it going. We read about the eyes, hands and legs, how they are so highly important and how do…