Category: Science
All about Balloons
Any celebration is incomplete without the balloons. They have become an integral part of any festivity. Little children squeal with joy while holding the balloon in their hands, the elder kids, can’t stop bobbing it. Do you know how they were discovered and what all different kinds of balloons are used today? The first balloons…
The Constant Change – Adaptation
We all do it. Animals, birds, plants and human beings. We change constantly. The changes are very minuscule but over a long period of time they seem pretty visible. We evolve. We adapt. The process which helps a living thing to change in order to survive the changes in its environment is called adaptation. Imagine if…
Gloopy Wonder Called Glue
Chris was sitting on the floor with art stuff strewn all around him. He had to make an art project for school. They had just finished learning all about the animal kingdom, and he was put in charge of making a penguin enclosure. He had everything he needed – Thermocol for the base, blue glazed…
Animal Kingdom
Let us begin with the very basics. Think of any creature – bugs, birds, animals, fishes, or anything else. I can tell you that the creature you just thought of belongs to a group called the Animal Kingdom. The Animal Kingdom is divided into two groups: Invertebrates – All animals without back bones are called…
Vital in Daily Routine – Mr Protein
When I was growing up, my mother constantly reminded me how important it was for me to finish my egg and milk in breakfast, or my bowl of pulse and rice in lunch, or my chicken fingers in dinner. Can you guess why? It was because they all had one vital nutrient in common –…
Fire was discovered by early humans by chance. How? Now we know that for a fire to be ignited, we have to heat up fuel like gas, wood, coal to a high enough temperature. One of the ways this can be done is by rapidly grinding pieces of fuel like wood against each other or…
Are You Scared?
All of us are scared of something. Look at the poor Dino! He seems awfully scared of that tiny rat! I am extremely scared of cockroaches. Once I saw a big ugly fellow loitering in my house at night, I couldn’t sleep thereafter. I spent the whole night sitting on a chair, upright and alert, fearing that it…
Power Of The Water – HydroPower
Does water give us power? Yes, it does. It gives us power to live as our bodies are made up of 70% water. Keep drinking water to stay cool. Is there some other kind of power that we can get from water? Yes, it is called the hydro power ( hydro means water in Greek).…
All About Teeth
You were born without any teeth. So was I. So is everybody. Do you know when your first tooth popped out? The first tooth, usually the lower front tooth, appears at the age of 6-8 months. Though it could be a little later or earlier. Some rare times, babies are born with teeth already in…
Pitter Patter Rain
“Pitter-patter, pitter-patter,”can you hear the rain? “Pitter-patter, pitter-patter,” on the window pane. “Pitter-patter, pitter-patter,” let’s go out to play. I just love to jump in puddles on a rainy day. – E.B. (1938 – ) MotherGooseCaboose. Don’t we all love rain? Sometimes it’s the gentle drizzle with minuscule drops falling on our face that we love…
Teary Mystery
Have you ever wondered : Why do we get tears when we are sad? Why do we cry when we are emotional? Why do our eyes become watery when something falls in it? Or why do our eyes become all wet when we take that mighty yawn? Both human eyes have glands called lacrimal (pronounced lah-krum-ul)…
Runny Nose when it is Cold!
Have you ever wondered why your nose runs when you are breathing in cold air? Well this is what happens inside your nose. You have to understand that on an average day a person produces almost under one litre of mucus. Eww! That is a lot of snot (another name for mucus). So most of…