Cites passes Regulation for Restricted Shark Trade

CITES passes Regulation for Restricted Shark Trade


Image Credit: Flickr User christine.gleason, via CC


The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Cites) is often referred to as CITES.The CITES agreement was signed in Washington in March 1973 in an attempt to regulate the burgeoning trade in wild flora and fauna. It currently has 178 member countries. Cites 2013 is currently being held in Thailand. The highlight of cites up till now has been a regulation passed by all the member countries agreeing to a restricted shark trade for few species.

Five shark species have been put on a protection list to prevent them from getting extinct due extensive hunting.These sharks have high demand for their fins as they make expensive delicacies in Asia. These shark species include – three hammerhead shark types, porbeagle shark and oceanic whitetip shark.

While sharks got lucky early on, animals like elephants, rhinos and other species will also be discussed at cites. Hope they will get lucky too!!

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