Dried fruit snack

Power Packed Snack

Whenever we have to think of a quick snack for our child, cookies or chips pop up in our head. But do we ever think about dried fruits as snacks? Not so much I guess. Dried fruits are grossly underestimated as snacks which is quite sad because they can be the perfect candidate for tasty and super nutritious snack. Health benefits of dried fruits are outstanding.

To begin with, dried fruits though low on the water content offer almost the same nutritional benefits as fresh fruits. So for kids who don’t eat large quantities of fruits, dried fruits are a good idea.  Dried fruits are exceptionally good source of fiber, potassium, vitamin A (apricots and peaches), calcium (figs), vitamin K (dried plums), iron, and copper.

Dried fruits not only provide minerals, vitamins and fiber, but they also provide some bio-active compounds that control the growth of bacteria causing cavities and gum diseases. They stimulate bone formation and are extremely good for digestive health. It’s benefits are immense.

Like fresh fruits, dried fruits contain almost no fat, trans fats, saturated fat or cholesterol. Well you might think what has that got to do with the kids? But remember seeds of healthy eating  are sowed in childhood.

Did you know that dried fruits are being used since ancient times? Mesopotamian’s used them extensively for cooking and ate them as sweets. They were carried while travelling to boost energy and to fight fatigue.

Now how many of you are wishing that you knew all of this sooner?

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