Category: Parents Corner

  • Dirt is Okay!

    Dirt is Okay!

    Remember how us parents are always fussing about keeping our kids clean. Well this might shock you! Everybody believes that washing hands are a good way to keep away from the germs and bacteria. Recently we chanced upon a report from National Wildlife Federation, that outlined how being too clean stops from being helpful, and a little bit of dirt works…

  • We, The Creators of Gender Bias..

    We, The Creators of Gender Bias..

    This is a guest post by Nidhi Tayal who is a registered dietitian, a blogger and a school counselor. Nidhi is a post graduate from Lady Irwin College and has served in leading hospitals and fitness centers in the Delhi-Noida area. She was a freelance counselor associated with a NGO “Behind The Moon” dealing with pediatric nutrition. Recently,…

  • A Pledge To Save Earth!

    A Pledge To Save Earth!

    This is a guest post written by Ritu Bajaj. Ritu has a MBA in Marketing and has additionally studied Environmental Law from NLSIU India and University of Washington USA. Ritu is passionate about environmental issues and sustainable development and is working on raising awareness about them in her community.    Hi Children, Today is the world…

  • Taking Care of Mom

    Taking Care of Mom

    This is a guest post by Swati Gupta. Swati was a computer professional before she left her promising  career to devote quality time to her little one. Today, she is a full time, busy mother of two wonderful kids.      Looking at my “to take care list”, I found that I had a lot to take care of. Kids…

  • Two Sides of the Same Coin – Parent and Teacher

    Two Sides of the Same Coin – Parent and Teacher

    This is a guest post by Subha Manoj, an ex-finance professional and now mother to two beautiful kids. Subha teaches English in an ICSE school in grades 1 – 4. Writing about kids and parenting is her all time passion – and that stems from innumerable lessons her students and kids teach her every single…

  • Mom, Look At Me!

    Mom, Look At Me!

    As your bundle of joy arrives in this world, the first thing she gets is lots of love and attention. You as parents can’t stay away, the family gushes over her, and your friends are overwhelmed with the new arrival. After all love and attention is like sunlight for a growing child. Babies seek attention…

  • To Hit or Not to Hit?

    To Hit or Not to Hit?

    That is the question. There are times when our kids just would not listen and we are blinded by rage. That happens with quite a lot of us when we want our kids to just obey us and any other behavior seems unacceptable. Trust me most of the times it is our frustrations and anger when we act on…

  • Nobody Messes with My Sister!

    Nobody Messes with My Sister!

    ‘”Because it is my birthright!” I think this is true for all the siblings. Siblings! As protective as they are for each other they can be as mean. Especially during the summer vacations when they have to spend enormous amounts of time with each other, the home becomes a war  zone and you have to…

  • First Day of School

    First Day of School

    My daughter’s school just reopened. At seven and entering grade 3, She was all excited to see her new class, meet her new teachers, and most of all meet all her friends after a long break. Happily, she boarded the bus when it halted at its stop. But the picture was not so happy for all the parents…

  • Addicted to Praise

    Addicted to Praise

    Yes! We all have become the kind of parents that our parents made fun of.  In those times the number of such parents who molly coddled their kids was much lesser. Now, all of us have been bitten by the praising bug. We praise our kids if they finish their food, where as we got…

  • Are You Handing Out Opinions? Think Hard… Harder!

    Are You Handing Out Opinions? Think Hard… Harder!

    This is a guest post by Nidhi Tayal who is a registered dietitian, a blogger and a school counselor. Nidhi is a post graduate from Lady Irwin College and has served in leading hospitals and fitness centers in the Delhi-Noida area. She was a freelance counselor associated with a NGO “Behind The Moon” dealing with pediatric nutrition. Recently,…

  • Discipline – How Soon?

    Discipline – How Soon?

    Your eight-month old has just sprung new teeth and you’re all excited. Then one day she digs two tiny sharp teeth into your finger as you feed her. You dismiss it at first. But a few days later she bites her older brother. What do you do? Ignore it again, rationalizing she’s too young and…