Revellers stand beside St. Michael's Tower on Glastonbury Tor watching the moon as it is at its closest point to the Earth for almost two decades.Photo Credit: The Telegraph

Super Moon Dazzled Again !

Tell me that you looked at the moon yesterday! It was the Super Moon of year 2012.

What does that even mean?

The Moon yesterday was a Full Moon and way bigger than usual.

A Full Moon is a phase of the Moon when you see it as a perfect circle. This happens about once a month. Look at the different phases of Moon.

Phases of Moon

But why was the Full Moon bigger than usual? The Moon orbits around the Earth such that sometimes it is very close and sometimes it is very far from it. Yesterday, the Moon was closest to the Earth.

And that is why it was a Super Moon. If you missed it this year try to catch up next year on June 23, 2013.

Check out this amazing video about Super Moon:-




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One response to “Super Moon Dazzled Again !”

  1. Kukki Guglani Avatar
    Kukki Guglani

    This is awesome!

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