Google shoes

Google’s Talking Shoes

Image Credit: Flickr User Dana Lookadoo – Yo! Yo! SEO, via CC

Hmm.. Reminds me of a book I read as a kid, “The talking shoes”, by Enid Blyton. In the book, the magical shoes taught an impolite girl how to be polite. Yes, those shoes were magical.

But the Google shoes have no magic only technology. So what is Google upto ? First glasses and now shoes. But while the Google’s glasses are for the masses, Google’s shoes are just for an advertisement.

Google took a pair of Adidas sneakers to demostrate that different objects can be used to do what a smartphone does.

How does this work?

There is a speaker in the tongue of the shoe and the shoe also carries small computer, accelerometer, pressure sensor, a gyroscope and Bluetooth.

What exactly do these shoes do?

They can praise you if you are active or yell at you if you are being lazy. They can also have personalities, for example some could be soft spoken and some really strict. As if mom yelling you to be more active wasn’t enough!

Wow! Is the old time magic now becoming a reality?

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