Google glasses

Google’s Glasses

Image Credit: Flickr User loiclemeur, via CC

Yes the Google’s glasses. Hey wait a minute, isn’t Google an internet search engine. Are they making designer sunglasses now? Well, these glasses are not plain simple glasses. If you are wearing these glasses your are also wearing a computer processor, a battery and a tiny screen on your face.

With these glasses you can always be on Facebook without even looking at your phone. The glasses reach the internet through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, which connects to the wireless service on a user’s cellphone.

Till now these IT companies were just focusing on technology but now they have another issue to deal with. They have to make design hardware that can be worn as a fashion jewellery. That is why Google is reaching an agreement with Warby Parker, a start-up company that sells trendy eyeglasses, to help it design more fashionable frames.

These glasses are sold to a very small customer base. They will be later released on a larger scale.

With Google’s glasses your phone can stay in your pocket, and internet in front of your eyes.


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One response to “Google’s Glasses”

  1. Ashish Avatar

    Cool one !!!!
    There are rumours that Apple is also coming with cool high tech wrist watch gadget… in James Bond movies !!!! Eagerly waiting for that!

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