70 year old Silver Treasure recovered, Photocredit: The HIndu

70 year old Silver Treasure recovered

Britain has recovered 48 tonnes of silver from the wreckage of SS Gairsoppa, a ship that was carrying the 240 tonnes of silver from India to Britain in 1940. For more than 70 years, the treasure lay buried at the bottom of the North Atlantic because it was too heavy to be lifted.

But along the years Marine technologies have improved a lot. A maritime recovery company, Odyssey Marine Exploration of Tampa, Florida made the recovery possible. Instead of using Long steel cables that snapped under their own weight in water, company used a kind of plastic cable called Dyneema that is as strong as steel but weightless in seawater.

British government took possession of the recovered silver and took it to an undisclosed location for secure storage and processing. While the worth of entire 240 tonnes of silver that Gairsoppa carried is $190 million, 48 tonnes recovered so far would be worth about $38 million.

Whoa! That’s a lot of money! Talk about Treasure hunts, huh !! Guess who was playing the part of pirates in 1940 :)

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