Special doctors

Special Doctors

Image Credit: Pixabay User nemo,via CC


Tommy was not feeling too well so mom took him to the Paediatrician. Since he fell and his leg was hurting the paediatrician sent him to the orthopaedics department. While he was in the waiting room he noticed a board full of names of the doctors and their specialty.  He was surprised because he just thought a doctor was a doctor, but there were so many different kinds of doctors.

So he turned to his mother to ask why there are so many different kinds of doctors?

Image Credit: Pixabay User nemo,via CC

His mother explained to him that after doing their basic studies the doctors do some specialization. Some doctors study the heart, teeth or kidneys. Some study in detail the infectious diseases. Some are experts in children’s illnesses. Then there are some doctors that do the blood work or read the scans from an ultra sound.

Then mother came up with a brilliant idea, she told Tommy to go around and ask all the doctors that he can see and write down their specialization.

The waiting time did not seem long after that.

Do you want to peek and see what was in Tommy’s notepad?

  • Neurologist – Doctor of brain and nervous system.
  • Cardiologist – Doctor of heart.
  • Nephrologist – Doctor of kidneys.
  • Orthopaedician- Doctor that fixes bones.
  • Ophthalmologist – Doctor that solves eye problems.
  • Dermatologist – Doctor that fixes skin problems.
  • Pathologist – Doctor that does blood work and makes lab reports.

This is not the full list because Tommy had to go see his doctor but he was sure he would find out more when he visits the hospital next time. May be you can help Tommy by adding more special doctors that you know :)


Kinooze Little Writers Program


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3 responses to “Special Doctors”

  1. esha Avatar

    Wow I did not know the names of so many special doctors.

  2. Arusha Avatar

    Does the pathologist take blood tests?

  3. Arusha Avatar

    This was a very nice article,but I want to ask you a question!
    It is-why do we hiccup?please send an answer soon!
    Thank you!

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