Lord Jesus

All About Good Friday

Image Credit: Flickr User biblevector, via CC

Good Friday is a Christian tradition to mark the day when Jesus Christ, the son of God, was nailed to the cross. This is often known as crucification of Lord Jesus.

Jesus carrying the cross
Image Credit: Flickr User fester_franz, via CC

It was on this day that Jesus was beaten and tortured because he claimed to be the son of God.  A crown of  thorns was thrust upon his head. Then, he was forced to carry his own cross to the on top of a hill, where he was nailed to the cross. Jesus suffered for hours and the sky turned dark as if mourning.

Christians across the world celebrate this day to remember sacrifice of their lord. Some do so by fasting, some take part in  procession that carries a cross through the streets. Prayer services are held in the church in morning and evening. In some churches, statues are covered with cloth to symbolise a time of mourning.

If this is the day Jesus died, why is it called Good Friday?

Some believe that Good Friday evolved from God Friday, which is what the day was called initially. Some believe that  the good about Good Friday is that Jesus gave up his life for his people and then came back on Easter, proving that he indeed was son of God.

Did you know?

It is a tradition to eat hot cross buns with cross icing this day.

Some people believe that bread baked on Good Friday will never rot.

There are some that say, eggs laid on Good Friday will never go bad.

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3 responses to “All About Good Friday”

  1. charissa Avatar

    the information i need is not showing

  2. Christine Martin Avatar
    Christine Martin

    Thanks for the info it has helped me to explain to my grandchildren all about this very important day

  3. Bob Avatar

    This is good

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