The Next Total Solar Eclipse

Image Credit: Pixabay user OpenClips, via CC

Come March 20th and some parts of Earth would be plunged into complete darkness. The lucky winners are who will experience total solar eclipse are Northern Scandinavia and the Faroe Islands. The Isle of Lewis will only get 2% of the sun rays where the main Scotland will receive 6% of the sunlight. UK is not far behind where 80% of the sun gets blocked.

This time the total solar eclipse coincides with the vernal equinox on March 20. As the name equinox (equal night) suggests, these are the days when the duration of the day and night is nearly equal all over the world. Such a phenomenon happens when the Sun is exactly above the equator. The equinox happens twice each year around March 20 or 21 and September 22 or 23. The equinox eclipse would only happen four times this century.

If you want to see this phenomenon, do not look at the sun directly. Doing so can damage your eye. You will have to use a pinhole projector.

Take a look at the video to make a projector –

Europe  has something to be worried about. Since they rely heavily on the solar power, there might be some disruption and unpredictable consequences or incidents.

Are ready to view the eclipse?

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