Author: Kinooze Learning

  • Who are Nomads?

    Who are Nomads?

    I wander here, I wander there My feet are bare, but I don’t care! I stay when the food is around, No more food, I leave the ground. Who am I? A Nomad. Nomads are people that do not stay in one place and wander in search of food. They usually have a herd of…

  • The Journey of Blood

    The Journey of Blood

    (Hiya, 11 year old, weaves a poem about the most important part of our body) I am a drop of blood I start my journey In the bone marrow I consist of white and red blood cells And not to forget plasma I follow my millions of friends and Go through what you call heart…

  • Magnificent Mexico

    Magnificent Mexico

    If you wanted to visit a country that has mountains, canyons, deserts and green jungles then Mexico would be a good choice. It has all. It is a big country spread under blue skies and sunshine. Mexico is nestled between the two sparkling oceans. Almost 7000 years ago, when its neighbors US and Canada were savage…

  • Health Food For Earth – Compost

    Health Food For Earth – Compost

    You eat junk food. But you are always told to eat more of healthy food. Why? Healthy food has nutrients that are essential for your body. Earth needs to eat healthy food too. It needs nutrients to replenish itself. One way Earth does it is by eating compost. What is compost? Compost is organic material like dry…

  • Saturday!


    ( Kavya, 9, writes a naughty poem about when kids want to miss school) I can’t go to school, Because there is a rule. I am ill, So I will go to bed still. I have a broken hand, So I will need a band. My back hurts, So I get jerks. What did you…

  • Beethoven


    A person who plays musical instruments is known as a musician. Musicians who know how to create new music pieces are called composers. All composers are musicians but all musicians are not composers. Think :) Listen to this. One of the greatest musicians and composers of all times – Beethoven, composed this masterpiece called ‘Ode…

  • Save Water

    Save Water

    ( Ayesha, 8, writes a lovely poem on water, the most important thing on Earth) Water you are so nice as you become ice, You drip from high places as you say goodbye, You have different forms as you become warm, I like you so much as you quench our thirst and fill up our…

  • Mystery of Dead Whales

    Mystery of Dead Whales

    Discovery that led to the mystery In 2010, the Pan American highway in Cerro Ballena, Chile was being expanded. Cerro Ballena lies in the Atacama desert, in Chile, in South America. Did you know that Atacama desert is the driest desert in the world? Cerro Ballena in Chile’s Atacama Desert is famous for preserved whale fossils. Whale bones often…

  • The Circulatory System

    The Circulatory System

    ( Hridaya, 11, writes about the most important system in our body) The Circulatory system, is a hidden transport system, and a distribution system. It transports nutrients and oxygen and collects carbon dioxide, heart is the center, blood the carrier, All body parts are the beneficiaries.. Have a peep; See the blood and its components…

  • My Father

    My Father

    (Reina, 9, writes a heartfelt poem expressing a daughter’s love for her father) We all have fathers don’t we? My father is ready to do anything for me. My father is great. He can be my best mate. He scolds me too. But I know it’s a good favour to do. Everyday he has a…

  • How the Earth was Made?

    How the Earth was Made?

    And God created Earth… Our Earth. It is a very special planet. It is so unique that its presence just feels like a miracle, none of the other planets of our Solar system are that special. The rest of the space that we have explored so far only shows a possibility of another planet like…

  • All About Sochi Olympics

    All About Sochi Olympics

    A little bit about Sochi Sochi is a city in Krasnodar Kai in Russia. The city is located on the Black sea coast near the border between Russia and Georgia. It is one of very few Russian places that have warm summers and mild winters compared to most of Russia. In winters, the temperature drops…