Author: Kinooze Learning
Who was Charles Darwin?
On the morning of 27th December, 1831 Charles stood at the rail of this great ship HMS Beagle. Wind blowing in his face and hair. He looked down to where the water lapped on its sides. Robert Fitzroy, the captain of Beagle was busy with the last minutes preparations as the Beagle was ready to…
My Dreamland
(Reina, 9, writes a wishful poem for a dream land where everyone is happy.) I want a dream landOf my own choicesThe things all magicalWith fewer voices. A colourful palaceWith me on the throneWho ever comes becomes a fairy or pixieEvery one’s together and no one alone. I’d have so much joyWhen everyone’s so happyThey’d…
The UnderGround Treasures – Minerals
Treasures are not only found in safes and caves. They are embedded in the Earth’s crust and are everywhere. Hmm.. What treasures can these be? Minerals are the natural treasures from which the Earth’s crust is made. How are they formed? Do they grow on trees? They are not like plants. They do not grow…
Curiosity To Take a Big Leap
Adventurous Mars rover Curiosity has reached a point where it is going to perform a dare. It is all set up to jump a 3 feet tall sand dune. If things go wrong, it can be quite a disaster. Considering that NASA, in 2009, lost its rover Spirit in a sand trap, what is the need for Curiosity to take such…
All About Rivers
On the way to her grandparent’s new house, Liv saw a river flowing. She wondered how and where does a river start and where does it end? It filled Liv with immense curiosity. Have you ever thought about it? Do you have an answer to Liv’s question? Here is the answer. A river starts somewhere…
What is Force?
Why does the Earth revolve around the Sun? Why do two magnets pull each other? How can a boat stay afloat on the water? What make us stay on the spherical Earth and not fall off? You would be surprised by the answer. All the questions have the same answer. Forces. Different kinds of forces.…
Indus Valley Civilisation
The Indus river is a very important river in Asia. It is a large river that flows mainly through Pakistan. Five thousand years ago, a group of people came and settled on the banks of river Indus. Why on the banks of a river?? Food was the biggest concern for people in ancient times and…
All About Fixing Bones
Zoom! Crash! Bang! Aaaah! These are the sounds that you generally get to hear when someone is playing or running, and they fall. Oops! If that happens to you, you go to the doctor. He takes a picture of your bone (X ray) and informs you that a bone is broken. Breaking a bone means…
Animal That Can’t Jump – Elephant
What is one thing that strikes you the most when you see an elephant? Is it not its size? Elephants are enormous. Elephant is the largest animal on land. Not only that, it is also the biggest land mammal. A fully grown elephant usually is 11 feet tall and weighs 5,800 Kgs. An elephant’s brain…
Safety On Roads
Roads are great, There rolls your skate. The cars go vroom vroom , The bikes go zoom zoom! But have you ever thought, Safety on roads is important a lot. You should run run run, But not behind a moving bus for fun! Only cross the road on zebra crossing, And not when the amber…
(Shash, 11, writes an intriguing poem about the time when one gets soaked in heavy rain) As it pours on my face, It shimmers slyly, As slyly as a fox. You never know, When it may start dripping, From the high clouds above, As it thunders and booms, As if it is an angry God,…
World’s Tallest Tower – Burj Khalifa
Can you guess? Here’s another clue. It is the tallest building in the world and it is the pride of middle east. If you said Burj Khalifa, Dubai, you’re absolutely right!! But do you know Burj Khalifa should also be your answer if someone asks you about the building with the highest number of stories,…