Author: Kinooze Learning

  • The Tooth Fairy

    The Tooth Fairy

    (An inspirational story by nine year old Esha) Once there lived a fairy called Twinkle Tips. She was a tooth fairy. Every night she used to go to children’s homes to check if they had kept their tooth under the pillow for her to collect. This was a lot of work for Twinkle Tips. Once…

  • Holi – The Festival of Colours

    Holi – The Festival of Colours

    Aha! It’s spring time and Holi, the festival of colors is back again. The most fun thing is that everyone gets covered in layers of colors and looks like a clown!  But on this day, no body minds being one. Ha! Its the day of fun and celebration. Have you stocked up the colors yet? The special dry color that…

  • Extinct Lizard not Extinct anymore

    Extinct Lizard not Extinct anymore

    A PhD student of Centre for Ecological Sciences (CES) and his team recently spotted a rare lizard in Orissa. The lizard, Jeypore ground gecko, was thought to be extinct as it was last spotted in 1877 by a British colonel RH Beddome. Scientists are thrilled with the rediscovery as it does not happen everyday that species, thought to…

  • Addicted to Praise

    Addicted to Praise

    Yes! We all have become the kind of parents that our parents made fun of.  In those times the number of such parents who molly coddled their kids was much lesser. Now, all of us have been bitten by the praising bug. We praise our kids if they finish their food, where as we got…

  • Water Cycle

    Water Cycle

    Mike came running to her mom, squinched his face in disgust said, ” Eeeeeeeks, Kim is telling me that the water I’m drinking is thousands of years old. But I just took it from the tap. How can that be? She is so weird.” Kim was Mike’s elder sister and at 10 was four years…

  • Tornado hits Bangladesh

    Tornado hits Bangladesh

    A monstrous tornado hit the South East Bangladesh on Friday tearing through about 20 villages in its way. So far 21 people are dead and more than 200 injured. The tornado destroyed many houses, blocked roads, overturned buses and cut out power supply – doing a lot of damage there. It will take many weeks…

  • Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

    Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

    Tiger, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? This is a famous poem written by well known poet William Blake in 18th century in praise of this majestic creature. Tiger, for centuries has charmed storytellers and thus here have been so many stories,…

  • Were you Lost Mr. Camel?

    Were you Lost Mr. Camel?

    Camel , “The ship of desert”,  finds lost people right? You think of camel and you think of dry and hot desert. Would you believe me if I said that camels flourished in the arctic? Fallen out of your chair yet? Believe me or not, the scientists (or paleontologists) in Canada recently made a startling discovery. They…

  • The Earth Hour

    The Earth Hour

    Earth hour is a global movement that brings awareness that we care about our planet and can participate to save it. As the global warming increases, World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund (WWF) organised the Earth Hour on March 23rd. Australia’s biggest city, Sydney, has switched off its lights for…

  • Curiosity to Rest in April

    Curiosity to Rest in April

    Don’t worry! There is nothing wrong with our beloved Mars rover. Curiosity will rest because it will not be receiving any command or signals from NASA during this time due to occurrence of a solar conjunction. Solar conjunction occurs when the sun passes between the Earth and another planet. Mars solar conjunction happens once about once every…

  • Belgian Mathematician wins Abel Prize

    Belgian Mathematician wins Abel Prize

    Not many of you must have heard about the Abel Prize. But you will be surprised to know that it is an extremely prestigious honor and often also described as the “mathematician’s Nobel prize”. Remember that the Nobel Prize is not awarded in the field of mathematics. The Abel Prize was established in 2001 by the Government of Norway…

  • What made the Dinosaurs Disappear?

    What made the Dinosaurs Disappear?

    Till date the scientists believed that it was an asteroid or a huge volcanic eruption that wiped out the dinosaurs. Recently, after a lot of research it was concluded that the culprit, maybe, was a speeding comet. Now, some of you might be wondering what is the difference between an asteroid and a comet? Asteroids are made up of metals…