Category: Facts For Kids

  • Jantar Mantar

    Jantar Mantar

    Have you ever been to an observatory? An observatory is a room or building housing a telescope or other scientific equipment for the study of natural phenomena. In present day observatories, we have housed advanced astronomy gadgets that tell us all we want to know about the celestial bodies in space. What about the times…

  • More Unusual Facts – Underwater Creatures

    More Unusual Facts – Underwater Creatures

    Remember we explored some unusual facts about underwater creatures some time back. And you guys loved it! So now is the time to explore the ocean a little deeper again! Here are some more unusual facts that we fished out for you :) Did you know that dolphins close only one eye when they are sleeping and…

  • The Emperor Penguins

    The Emperor Penguins

    These funny birds cannot fly, but swim through icy waters as fast as a speedboat. They can dive in the water, go as deep as 30 ft and then zip out of the water as if they never dived in. They make nests, but the strange thing is that they do not use any twigs,…

  • Teary Mystery

    Teary Mystery

    Have you ever wondered : Why do we get tears when we are sad? Why do we cry when we are emotional? Why do our eyes become watery when something falls in it? Or why do our eyes become all wet when we take that mighty yawn? Both human eyes have glands called lacrimal (pronounced lah-krum-ul)…

  • Awesome Argentina

    Awesome Argentina

    If you lose a tooth, which is the place in the world where a little mouse named “El Raton Perez” comes and takes the tooth from under your pillow, and leaves some coins?  Your Birthday wish starts by pulling of your earlobes by loved ones?  Strange huh! But its all in fun. An afternoon siesta here…

  • Responsible Me?

    Responsible Me?

      When asked, if you are responsible most of you will confidently say ‘yes’!! But let us see if you actually are responsible. How many of the below listed things you follow? I brush my teeth without being reminded about it. Food is not for playing. I eat it rather than playing with it. I…

  • A Special Horse

    A Special Horse

    Thirteen year old prince Alexander fell in love with the beautiful black stallion the first time he saw it. It had shiny black coat with a large white star on his brow. The name of the black beauty was Bucephalus. The name meaning “ox-head” was given to him because his head was as broad as that of a…

  • Puppets


    Rob was getting bored. He switched on the television to watch a cartoon or two. As soon as Keira finished her homework, she grabbed her mom’s iPad to play a newly downloaded fun game of Fruit Ninja. Shaun was excited. He was going to a nearby gaming zone with his father. These days if you are getting bored, there…

  • Christ The Redeemer

    Christ The Redeemer

    An icon of Rio de Janeiro.. Symbol of Brazilian Christianity.. Part of new seven wonders of the world.. This statue stands tall at the Corcovado Mountain near the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.  In Portuguese it is known as Cristo Redentor. You must be wondering what is so great about the statue. The greatness of the…

  • Runny Nose when it is Cold!

    Runny Nose when it is Cold!

    Have you ever wondered why your nose runs when you are breathing in cold air? Well this is what happens inside your nose. You have to understand that on an average day a person produces almost under one litre of mucus. Eww! That is a lot of snot (another name for mucus). So most of…

  • Slithering Snakes

    Slithering Snakes

    You often think that the legless squirmers will get tangled in their tail and fall flat on their face. But they don’t. These marvelous wonders just wriggle their way through. Actually most of their body looks like a tail except their head. They don’t have any legs or fins or wing so how do they move from…

  • Our Skin

    Our Skin

    Did you know that our skin is the largest sense organ in our body? Yes, it is. If you think of it, after all it covers our body from top to bottom . So, it has to be. Skin forms a protective layer for our body. Can you guess what all things skin protects us from? Every morning…