Category: Facts For Kids

  • Who are Hackers?

    Who are Hackers?

    Why are some attackers called hackers? While you must be familiar with burglars – those are the people who enter your house without your permission and steal you belongings. Hackers are also kind of burglars, but they are special kind of attackers. They use computer programming to enter other people’s computer and steal information stored…

  • Home Sweet Home

    Home Sweet Home

    Don’t you love your home? Isn’t it the only place you want to be in when you are exhausted or dull? Do you know that, across the globe houses are built very differently? Sometimes they are so different that you might be surprised when you look at them. But if all the houses have just…

  • Nirmal Hriday – Story of Mother Teresa

    Nirmal Hriday – Story of Mother Teresa

    Nikola and Drane Bojaxhiu had a loving family living at Skopje, Macedonia (former Yugoslavia). Nikola was a successful merchant and Drane was a loving mother and a good wife. It was 1910, and they were happy and content with their three daughters, youngest one Agnes being 3 months old. She was born on August 27…

  • Unusual facts – Underwater Creatures

    Unusual facts – Underwater Creatures

    Did you know that there is more water on Earth than land? Yes that is correct. 70 percent of our planet is made up of oceans. These oceans are teaming with underwater life. Let us take a dive and explore some unusual facts about these underwater creatures. How about never falling sick? Ask Sharks !…

  • Language of Gestures

    Language of Gestures

    Let us begin by asking this question. What is language? Can you tell? Isn’t language a written or spoken way of communicating with other people around us. Then that makes sign language a non-spoken way of communicating with people around us. It is a language made up of gestures like hand movements and facial expressions.…

  • Did Plants Always Have Flowers?

    Did Plants Always Have Flowers?

    Flowers are beautiful, and they are everywhere. Can you imagine living without the colorful world of flowers? Nah! However, there were times 130 million years ago when the only plants we had were ferns and conifers-cone bearing trees, which had thrived for 200 million years before the first flower blossomed. Let us put on our archaeology caps and…

  • What is a Light Year?

    What is a Light Year?

    Of all the things we know about, the speed of the light is fastest! Think about anything you think travels fast and light travels faster than that. Can you guess how fast? Light can travel 300,000 kilometers in one second! Can you imagine how fast that is? It is so fast that light can travel…

  • Fluffy White Bears

    Fluffy White Bears

    Polar bears are no ordinary animals. To begin with, they are the world’s largest bear and the largest meat eaters on land. They can weigh anywhere between 350–680 Kgs !! Polar bears probably evolved from brown bears, but have undergone many changes to adapt themselves to live in extremely cold temperatures. Most polar bears are…

  • Trees and You

    Trees and You

    Have you ever climbed a tree to pluck a fruit? Have you wondered how trees and plants are different from us? What do they eat and drink? Did you know even plants breathe like us? Breathe! Do plants have noses? Sounds funny, right? Well, plants do not have a nose, yet they breathe. They breathe in the air we…

  • What Are The – Logys?

    What Are The – Logys?

    Don’t we all read about logys all the time – Biology, Archaeology, Anthropology.. What does adding  logy to different words mean? Does it have a special meaning? -logy is a suffix in the English language.  A  suffix  or  a postfix  is a set of letters that is placed  after a word that makes a new word related to  the old word. When we add -logy to…

  • How Old Are You Mr.Tree?

    How Old Are You Mr.Tree?

    Tim was elated today. Finally, he was going to visit the Sequoia National Park with his dad. Once there, they planned to go for a tree trail. The park in California is famous for its giant sequoia trees, including the General Sherman tree, one of the largest trees on Earth. Tim had wanted to see the place…

  • Amaterasu – The Sun Goddess

    Amaterasu – The Sun Goddess

    In Japan, Buddhism is the faith that people mostly follow now. But in ancient times people believed in Shinto and it still remains a significant part of the spiritual society in Japan. Amaterasu was the sun goddess of the Shinto religion. It is also believed that Jimmu, the first ruler of  Japan was the grandson of Amaterasu. Amaterasu was the owner of a heavenly garden.…