Category: Facts For Kids
All about Tattoos
Don’t you feel a bit extra powerful after you get a superhero painted on you hand? Or how about a princess or a fairy inked on your arm? Cool isn’t it? All these tattoos are temporary and get washed away. Grown ups sometimes get tattoos that stay for ever. Those kinds don’t fade or get washed…
The Burning Rocks
Are we talking about high mountains spewing hot lava? No. Those are volcanoes. We are talking about the rocks that are used as fuel that can be used to cook food or to run engines or to build roads. These are rocks that burn. Have you ever heard of them? Long ago, some black stones…
Remembering Netaji
Give me blood and I will give you freedom! These are the famous words of a brave freedom fighter, Subhas Chandra Bose. He was fondly known as ‘Netaji’ by everyone. He was born on January 23, 1897. On his birthday, let us remember this hero who sacrificed his life in the freedom struggle for India. Subhas…
Horses under the Water
A SEA HORSE !! If you get a chance to look at them in a sea world or while you are snorkelling you’ll notice that these tiny creatures of the sea bear an uncanny resemblance to the equine species. However, they are quite tiny. They are somewhere between 0.6 inches (1.5 centimeters) to 14 inches (35 centimeters)…
Sweeny The Sweetie
I was nervous, but mom and dad assured me that my new school would be great. I was standing outside my new class trying to observe everyone. I did not know anyone here, but I am sure I would make new friends. Myra seems very nice. I would try to talk to her. Our teacher…
Jeanie The Meanie
I was so excited as the fourth grade was beginning today, after a long break. I reached school and realised our classes had been shuffled. My good friends had moved to the other sections, but nevertheless I was looking forward to meeting my new classmates and make some new friends. There she was Jeanie! The…
World Weather Facts
Here is a list of some interesting weather facts from all around the world – You will probably burn if you go to Al’Aziziyah in Libya. It has the highest recorded temperature on earth at a sweltering 58°C on the 13th Sept, 1922. Don’t complain it is cold this winter, thank God that you are not…
What are Fossils?
Fossils are the remains of plants or animals that got preserved over millions of years. Occasionally, an animal or a plant that died millions of years ago fell into soft mud or sand making an impression. The mud or sand over years hardened into rock preserving the impression of the body. Fossils are very important…
When Did The Birds First Fly?
If I ask you when the birds took their first flight, you might just stare at me and say, “Duh! Since forever”. However, nothing is further from the truth. So if, they did not fly always what else did they do? Did they always have wings? What was the need for them to fly if…
The Legend of Kumbh Mela
‘Kumbh’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘pot or pitcher’. ‘Mela’ in Hindi means ‘a fair’. Hence, the Kumbh Mela means festival of the pot. In Hindu mythology, there is a legend about how Kumbh Mela began to be celebrated in India. About the time when Universe was created, the Indian Devas(Demigods) were cursed by a…
‘Firsts’ of Space
Middle of 20th century was revolutionary in terms of space exploration. Starting from 1957 there have been many firsts in space. Ever since then there has been no looking back !! Let’s explore the events as they happened for the first time in history of space. On 4 October 1957, Russia( Then known as Soviet Union or USSR)…
I Have A Dream – Martin Luther King
On January 15 1929, an African American boy was born in Atlanta Georgia. This young boy was truly remarkable, but nobody at that time could imagine that one day this boy will grow up to be an exceptional leader. Can you guess who this boy was? The little boy grew up to be the…