Category: Outer Space

  • Ultimate Uranus

    Ultimate Uranus

    With gas the surface is covered, I was the first to be discovered. Named after a roman God of heaven, I am the planet number seven. Travelling to Uranus is so difficult that you would lose a lot of weight on the way. When you arrive at Uranus, you would weigh much lesser than what…

  • Magnificent Mars

    Magnificent Mars

    Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and comes after Mercury, Venus and Earth. Mars is fondly called ‘the red planet’ because of its appearance. The red tinge of the planet is because of presence of Iron oxide, also known as hematite or rust. This is present all over the planet. Because of its…

  • Another Proof of Water on Mars?

    Another Proof of Water on Mars?

    This time the proof for existence of water on Mars hasn’t been gathered by much loved star rover Curiosity. The rock sample was collected by lesser known rover Opportunity. Yes, Opportunity, like Curiosity, also lives on mars. Opportunity has been an active resident of the red planet since January 2004. The rover recently picked up…

  • What is Space Junk?

    What is Space Junk?

    So we have littered the streets, rivers, the mountains and now the humans have put junk in outer space also. You must be imagining banana peels or Pepsi cans floating in space. Is that what is defined as space junk or space debris? Let’s explain, space waste is the collection of unused objects in orbit around Earth. It might be used rocket…

  • Our Solar System

    Our Solar System

    Solar means ‘relating to Sun’. Our Solar system is called so because everything is related to the sun. Planets are positioned where they are because of the sun. Why so? Sun is enormous. Bigger the object is larger is its gravity (a pulling force). Sun has immense gravity that pulls all the objects in the…

  • Spooky Space Holes

    Spooky Space Holes

      Holes in space? Does our space have holes? Why am I calling them spooky? The holes that I’m talking about are actually a name given to some very powerful force that exists in Universe. The name is called BLACK HOLES by the scientists. I call them spooky because they eat up everything that goes near…

  • Mister Jupiter

    Mister Jupiter

    Sun is my center, I am a big mister, Only Venus is brighter, I am a Planet not a planter. Can you guess who am I? Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Although it is a planet its composition is almost like a star. In fact if it were 80 times heavier…

  • Rocks In the Sky

    Rocks In the Sky

    Did you know that there are rocks floating in the outer space? Some are as tiny as a dust grain and others may be as big as a small planet. The smaller rocks are called meteoroids. We have a special name for the bigger rocks: they are called asteroids. The biggest asteroid that we know about is called Ceres.…

  • ‘Firsts’ of Space

    ‘Firsts’ of Space

    Middle of 20th century was revolutionary in terms of space exploration. Starting from 1957 there have been many firsts in space. Ever since then there has been no looking back !! Let’s explore the events as they happened for the first time in history of space. On 4 October 1957, Russia( Then known as Soviet Union or USSR)…

  • Living Next to The Sun – Mercury

    Living Next to The Sun – Mercury

    If Sun always has a fever then its neighbor  Mercury,  would definitely feel unusually hot. It is indeed very hot during the day time (almost 400 Degrees). However, since Mercury has no atmosphere to hold the heat in, it becomes extremely cold in the nights. Mercury’s surface looks remarkably similar to our moon filled with craters…

  • Space 2012

    Space 2012

    Year 2012 was quite full of space adventures. Shenzhou 9, a Chinese spacecraft docked with an already orbiting module on June 18, 2012. This made China the third country, after the United States and Russia, to successfully perform the mission. This mission also carried first women chinese astronaut Liu Yang. A month later, Sunita Williams with…

  • Why Do We Use Spacecrafts?

    Why Do We Use Spacecrafts?

    Spacecrafts are huge and heavy machines that are made to travel in space. Spacecrafts can explore a variety of things in space. They are designed differently depending on the purpose of exploration. Keeping an eye on Earth – Satellites are spacecrafts that are perfect for Earth observation. They orbit around the Earth. Some take pictures…