Category: Science News

  • New Dinosaur Species Found

    New Dinosaur Species Found

    Scientists have discovered a new species of bone-headed dinosaur that existed about 85 million years ago in North America. These dinosaurs, known scientifically as Acrotholus, are believed to have possessed a thick-boned dome on the top of their skulls which might have been used to head-butt other dinosaurs. All bone headed dinosaurs are known as pachycephalosaurs by…

  • Power of the Oceans!

    Power of the Oceans!

    Hydro-power is not a new term, it has been around for a long time. It means “Energy from water” (hydro means water, and power means energy of course). By constructing dams on the rivers or by placing turbines we have tapped on this energy from water and have converted it into electricity. Almost 17 percent of…

  • Meet Microraptor – The Fishy Dinosaur!

    Meet Microraptor – The Fishy Dinosaur!

    A new discovery published in the journal Evolution reports that Microraptor, a four winged dinosaur previously known to feast on small mammals and birds, might have loved eating fish! A team led by University of Alberta, Canada, have found a new fossil of Microraptor in North East China. Now this fossil is remarkable – this…

  • Food without Soil and Water

    Food without Soil and Water

    Is it a joke? Since when can we grow plants without soil and water and no plants no food right? A team of researchers at Virginia Tech lled by YH Zhang an associate professor,  have been working on a formula to convert  cellulose into starch. They were able to do so recently.  Almost 20 to…

  • Clothes Made Out of Slime?

    Clothes Made Out of Slime?

      Eeeeww… Who will ever want to wear slime clothes? Well, why not? People do wear clothes made out of worms – Silkworms !! Hagfishes live very deep in the ocean and are the probably the slimiest creatures on earth. Hagfishes are covered with special glands that can emit a sticky slime. When they feel threatened they can…

  • Did Mammals Evolve From Something like Rats?

    Did Mammals Evolve From Something like Rats?

    Scientists believe that they have enough proof to believe that all mammals including humans evolved from a rat-sized animal. This animal weighing not more than few hundred grams was probably an insect eater. After six years of research which includes studying fossil records and living mammals, scientists have come to the conclusion that this rat-sized creature sits on…