The Country Park that Turns into its own lake Photo Credit DailyMail

Ready for a Dive in the Park?

Oops! Did We misspell drive as dive? Um um No sir :) We are talking about a park that is underwater for six months in an year. So half the year you can drive in the park and the other half you can dive in the park.

The emerald green waters of this mountain lake offer some of the most unique diving experiences in Austria – a country totally surrounded by other nations. This is the Green Lake in Tragoess, Styria, which sits at the foot of snow-capped Hochschwab mountains. DailyMail Reported.

This is how it looks in Autumn

Summer time 

The Country Park that Turns into its own lake

On the bed of the lake underwater explorers can discover fish swimming though the branches of trees, a floor covered in grass, benches, bridges and a landscape that looks like it belongs overground. 

And that’s because for half of the year it is overground.

Check Out this amazing video


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