Here Comes the Tooth fairy

Here comes the Tooth Fairy!!

The Tooth Fairy lives in Neverland, along with Tinkerbell. She is a tiny fairy like tinkerbell and they are very good friends. Tooth fairy creates a magic powder from children’s teeth that protects the fairies from hawks who might otherwise eat them.

But how does she come from Neverland? When does she come?

When a child has lost a tooth, especially the first one, he/she has to leave the tooth under his/her pillow. Then, in the middle of the night, tooth fairy tip toes in the room, and gently picks up the tooth from under the pillow. A candy treat or money is left under the pillow in place of the tooth. If the child does not go to sleep the Tooth Fairy doesn’t come.

WHAT? You don’t believe it?
That’s alright! Then you can might as well flip your tooth on the rooftop or bury it under a tree. But If I were you, I would surely take a chance for those yummy gummy treats !!

Did you know that in Argentina there is a little mouse named ”El Raton Perez” that comes and takes the tooth from under your pillow, and leaves some coins?

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4 responses to “Here comes the Tooth Fairy!!”

  1. Arusha Avatar

    I loved the tooth fairy!!!:)

  2. Arnav Upadhyay Avatar
    Arnav Upadhyay


  3. Ileana Shannon Avatar
    Ileana Shannon

    My granddaughter lost her tooth on the grass, and de toothfairy was so kind and bring her doble price thanks toothfairy

  4. sandra Avatar

    though i have never heard about the tooth fairy….but i still dont believe in fairies.
    Just wish i would see one someday…….and maybe i can have a word with her.
    I dont think we have fairies here in Nigeria

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