Puzzle by Newton solved by a 16 yr old Boy

Indian boy solves 350-year old math puzzle set by Newton

A 16 year old Indian boy – Shouryya Ray, settled in Germany has managed to solve math problems that scientists had earlier been able to solve only by using powerful computers.

These tricky problems were created by Sir Isaac Newton more than 350 years ago and had never been solved fully.

Ray only came across the problems during a school trip to Dresden University,London. He said,”I just asked myself, ‘Why not?’, “I didn’t believe there couldn’t be a solution”
Where there is a will there is a way!!



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One response to “Indian boy solves 350-year old math puzzle set by Newton”

  1. Nishant Avatar

    I find great posts – as usual – on your website.
    What was the question that was solved by the young lad?

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