Scribbling on the walls

I did not write on the wall, I just wrote behind the Couch!

My son loved to scribble on the wall. No matter how much I told him that it is a wrong thing to do he kept doing it. Even when I caught him writing on the wall with a pen in his hand and questioned him, he argued that the writing on the wall was a shade lighter than his sketch pen.

I thought I was hitting a wall when some where I found a wonderful piece of advice.  The trick was to make him scrub the wall until it was squeaky clean. It worked like a charm!

But since every child is different, here are some different tricks that have worked for other parents:

  • Only allow Crayola markers, crayons, paint, etc in the house.
  • Assign a fixed place for art work, like a table that can be the ‘art station’, where they can let their imagination run wild and play with colours, without you worrying about whole house getting messy.
  • Have a supervised ‘color time’ with your little one.
  • Even after all that, if there are signs of artwork where you don’t want them to be, use a baby wipe to clean up. A baby wipe will take most things off the walls and furniture!

Also it’s important to keep telling them repeatedly that it is not okay to scribble on the wall or anything other than the paper. Disciplining will work but will take time. Hope one of these tips will work out for you !!

Kinooze Little Writers Program


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