Oyster Fossil having Golf Ball Size Pearl Discovered, Photocredit: Telegraph UK

Oyster Fossil with Golf Ball Size Pearl Discovered

In an amazing discovery, a 145 million years old, huge oyster fossil has been found by fishermen in UK. The oyster has been scanned to reveal that it could have a pearl as large as a size of a golf ball. Whoa!

The fossil, about 7 inches across, was discovered when it got caught in the nets of fishermen that were fishing in the Solent.
“When the fishermen came back to port they thought it was real oyster. but when they picked it up, cleaned it, and had a closer look they could tell it was a fossil.It had completely turned to stone.” (Source: Telegraph,UK)

The fossil, has been safely kept at the Blue Reef Aquarium in Portsmouth, Hants. For now, it will not be opened for the pearl and kept as it is.

Did you know that the biggest pearl so far that has been recorded is about half the size of a golf ball !!

In case you do not know how pearls are formed,  Read here.

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One response to “Oyster Fossil with Golf Ball Size Pearl Discovered”

  1. Esha Avatar

    Is the pearl pink in color?

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