Russia's -St Issac-cathedral

Remarkable Russia

Which is the largest country that spreads in two continents?

Which country has its closest point just 4 km away from the US?

Which country has the largest lake in Europe?

Which country believes in a lady ‘Santa Claus’ ?

Of course, it is the remarkable Russia.  Russia covers 1/7th of the total land of our planet and has more neighbors countries than any other country on earth. The country’s official language is the fifth most spoken language in the world. Russia is the largest country but it is the ninth most in population. Moscow, the country’s capital is the biggest city in Europe and has 10 million people living in it.

Lake Baikal

Metro-St petersburgRussia’s Ladoga lake is the largest one in Europe, and it stretches up to  18,400 sq km. The world’s deepest lake is also in Russia and is known as Lake Baikal. Incidentally it happens to be the largest reservoir of fresh water on Earth. The Urals are the oldest mountains in the world. Siberia contains more than 25% of the world’s forests, and that is why Russia is called the ‘lungs of Europe’. Russia is also home to the world’s largest active volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka, which has a height of 4,750 m(15,584 ft).

The achievements of Russia are immense. The Metro of St. Petersburg is the world’s deepest subway (about100 m deep). The longest railway in the world is the Trans-Siberian Railway (connecting Moscow and Vladivostok) .


Russia has an abundance of natural gas, oil, coal, and precious metals. It is the second biggest oil exporter in the world. The currency used in Russia is ruble or rouble.

Yuri gagarin

The first human to ever travel to outer space was a soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in April 12, 1961. First artificial satellite of Earth was Russian.”Sputnik” (pronounced Spoot-nik) was launched on October 4, 1957 – the beginning of the Space Age.

Russians are friendly people. They open their hearts and homes to friends and relatives and they are free to drop in whenever they feels like.

Did I tell you about the lady Santa Claus? Well there is a legend that there was a Babushka. An old lady  figure who used to gift the children on Christmas. Babushka is also used for grandmother in Russian.

Fun facts:

  • World’s largest Macdonald with a holding capacity of 700 seats.
  • Summer houses used for vacations are called  dachas.
  • Two Russians Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev discovered Antarctica on January16, 1820.
  •  The most famous Russian football club in the world is Chelsea.


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