The Story of Green

The Story of Green

Would you like to hear a story about color green??
Here we go…..

Once there lived The Green family. Papa Green and Mama Green lived with their four children – Dark Green, Light Green, Go Green and Feel Green.

These children often  fought among themselves. Each one thought  he was better than the other.

Papa Green and Mama Green were tired of their constant fighting. One day they called all their children together and asked Dark Green (who was the eldest one), “Ok tell me Dark Green why do you think you are the best of all??”.
“Well father, I think I am what gives Earth its green color. I represent most of the forests on the Earth. Am I not the best?”, said Dark Green gleefully.

“Well, that’s good, now let me hear from Light Green”, Papa Green said.
“Papa, I am the color of grass. I make parrots and butterflies look bright. I am the color of many fruits and vegetables. Don’t all children love me…..? And that‘s not it. I represent the color of money papa. Have you not seen those green notes? How will this world run without my color ?”, said Light Green smugly.

“Hmm you have got a point too but let’s hear what Go Green has to say.” Mama Green said.

“I stand for GO!! I am the universally accepted color of safety. Green light means ‘go’ on road,  rail and air traffic. Without me traffic would go crazy. I am also on the food items to let people know about vegetarian food. I tell about the safety of medicine. Without me life would stand still. Right mama??”, said Go Green excitedly.

“Right. Now my dear Feel Green what do you have to say??”

Feel Green hung his head low.
“Papa I have nothing much to say. My friends tease me that feeling green means feeling jealous. They say even Great Shakespeare mentions me in his famous play Othello – “turning green with envy”. But I’m not jealous of anyone!!”

Papa Green and Mama Green looked at each other and hugged Feel Green tight. Then they said, “Children, all greens have their own importance. People have even named a revolution on green color called ‘Green Peace’, which is doing a lot to save our Earth”.

Also do you know some very interesting facts ???

  • Green on the Indian flag represents harmony and growth.
  • In ancient Greece, green is the color of victory.
  • In Scotland, green is for honor.
  • It is also the color used by nations’ armies in most part of the world.
  • The color of hospital curtains and bed sheets are a soothing green.
  • Have you noticed your favorite super heroes Ben 10 and Hulk are green ??
Phew! That’s a lot of things.

“And how can we forget , women love to put green eye shadows on their eyes”, Mama Green giggled.

Papa Green laughed and said, “All of you are wonderful. Green is loved by everyone. It’s the color of prosperity, life, harmony and peace. So together you are all special. ”

See friends, now you know what green color means to us?? Life without green would be so dull. So love green and live green !!

Kinooze Little Writers Program


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