Ancient Pyramid Unearthed in Egypt

Ancient Pyramid Unearthed in Egypt

Image Credit: Flickr User wonderferret, via CC

A team of  archeologists have unearthed a 3000-year-old pyramid in Luxor, a city in upper part of Egypt. The excavation was carried out by Belgian archealogists under the joint mission carried out by two Belgian Universities – Free University of Brussels and the University of Liège.

The pyramid is believed to be holding the burial chamber of Khay, highest official of Egyptian ruler Ramses II. Noble Khay was buried in ancient Egyptian city of Thebes. Thebes existed where modern city of Luxor is present now. However, the actual tomb of Khay has not been found yet.

The pyramid is about 15 meters tall. It has beautiful carvings of the Ancient Egyptian god Ra-Horakhty.

Mummy of Pharaoh Ramsey II, also buried in Thebes, is present at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo along with two statues of Khay. Now if mummy of Khay is also excavated, it can hang out with old pal’s mummy at the museum. What say? ;)

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