Author: Kinooze Learning

  • Falling Faster Than The Speed of Sound

    Falling Faster Than The Speed of Sound

    Alan Eustace, a computer scientist at Google broke the world record for the highest-altitude free-fall jump. Alan went up in a hot air balloon actually filled with 35,000 cubic feet of helium gas and jumped off from the middle of the stratosphere, 26 miles from the Earth. It took him 15 minutes to reach back the Earth’s…

  • MOM Turns One Month Old

    MOM Turns One Month Old

    Hmm.. How can MOM be one-month-old? All of our moms are older than us, right? Well, we are not talking about a mom or someone’s mother. We are talking about India’s new Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM); that sent a satellite called Mangalyaan to keep an eye on Mars. The mission just turned one-month-old after its…

  • Who is Moana Waialiki?

    Who is Moana Waialiki?

    Disney Animation Studios announced yesterday that they are planning to launch Moana, an animated comedy adventure movie for kids, in late 2016. The movie is based on the story of Moana Waialiki, its main character who is a lively teenage girl-navigator from Polynesia, around Hawaii Islands. The movie will be directed by the same folks who did The Little Mermaid,…

  • Dirt is Okay!

    Dirt is Okay!

    Remember how us parents are always fussing about keeping our kids clean. Well this might shock you! Everybody believes that washing hands are a good way to keep away from the germs and bacteria. Recently we chanced upon a report from National Wildlife Federation, that outlined how being too clean stops from being helpful, and a little bit of dirt works…

  • Circulatory System Is Super Cool

    Circulatory System Is Super Cool

    (Mihika, 9, gives super cool information about heart) When I was around eight years old, I was about to appear for my first Science Olympiad Exam! My parents told me that there might be questions about the heart, so they explained to me that the heart pumps blood all around the body! Now I began wondering that…

  • Kangaroos Did Not Always Hop

    Kangaroos Did Not Always Hop

    Did you know that kangaroos did not always hop? About 30,000 years ago some of them walked! Yes, they were so big (about three times as big as the kangaroos today) that they could only walk. These giant kangaroos were maybe two meters tall and weighed 240 kilograms, as claimed by researchers of Brown University, USA who published their findings…

  • Stones Make Fire

    Stones Make Fire

    Eve was a chirpy and playful ten year old. She never went to school. For her, it was all play no work. Wonder why? She lived in different times. She was one of the early humans that lived millions of years ago. She lived in the stone age. Where did she live? She lived in caves with her…

  • One Whale Of a Jump

    One Whale Of a Jump

    A humpback whale was captured on camera jumping out of the ocean waters near California coast, in the US. It seems it was jumping out to high-five a sea gull! Now that is what we call One Whale of a Jump! The amazing picture was shot by German photographer Mario Nonaka on a trip around the bay, Caters News…

  • Nobel Peace Prize for Malala

    Nobel Peace Prize for Malala

    Everybody has a right to education. You kids already know that going to school is very important and a must. However, there are some kids that are not able to go to school. Sometimes because they do not have enough money to pay for school and sometimes bad people do not allow them to go to school. A…

  • Abundant Alaska

    Abundant Alaska

    Alaska or  “the great land”  comes from a native word Aleyska. This place justifies its name. Abundant volcanoes, mountains, glaciers and abundantly long day and nights. It also has a vast reserve of natural oil,  fishing and natural gas. This state is a peninsula and has several smaller peninsulas of its own. Alaska is bordered by Canada on…

  • Six Hundred

    Six Hundred

     ( Krish, 7, spins a sweet story about a boy who stood up for his friends ) Once there was a number called 600. The numbers ahead of him teased him a lot. The numbers below him talked politely and helped him with his stuff. So he always played with the numbers below him. They were his friends.…

  • The Circulatory System

    The Circulatory System

    (Dhruv,10, rhymes about one of the most important system in our body)   In our body there is a mystery, It’s a hidden system, called Circulatory. Circulatory system has many parts, Blood, blood vessels, but major one is Heart. RBC, WBC, Plasma and Platelets are the components of Blood. RBC’s carry the Oxygen to the…