Author: Kinooze Learning

  • Famous Festivals

    Famous Festivals

    Aren’t festivals a lot of fun? All around the world there are religious festivals, harvest festivals, street festivals and fun festivals. The list goes on. Why did people even start celebrating festivals in the first place? Well, I think people just needed a reason to celebrate and festivals are a great way to do that.…

  • New Island in Japan

    New Island in Japan

    Just when you thought that you knew all the islands on Earth, a new island has appeared a thousand kilometres way from the capital Tokyo. Ash rose from the middle of the sea, and a new island took birth. Sounds like a line from a magical story book. How was this island formed? By a undersea…

  • Onomatopoeia


    Shhhhhhhhh… Shut your eyes. Open your ears. Listen keenly. You will hear sounds all around you. If you are in the house, you are most likely to hear tic tac of the clock, bow wow of your dog, clang clang of the vessels, pitter patter of a leaking tap. Outside in the garden you will probably…

  • I Wish..

    I Wish..

    (Ayesha, 7 year old, wishes for beautiful things in this cute poem) I wish I could fly in the sky I wish I could touch the clouds so high I wish I could have nice dreams I wish I could go on the rainbow I wish there was ice-cream falling down from the sky I…

  • All About Storms

    All About Storms

    You keep hearing about the storms that  bring a lot of wind and heavy rains to the areas where they strike. Different names are also used like hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, typhoons and twisters. Are they all same or different?  Let us investigate. It all starts with the wind. What is wind? Moving air is called…

  • Tomorrow That Never Came

    Tomorrow That Never Came

    The week was ending on a lucky note. Anna’s class teacher Miss Mary informed the class about a story writing competition. The competition was about writing any fictional story with a nice message. The story had to be submitted on next Friday, else it would not be accepted. The winning entry would be printed as…

  • A Fuel Cell Vehicle Or A Food Car?

    A Fuel Cell Vehicle Or A Food Car?

    When I say food car, the image of a mobile van serving delicious hot-dogs and ice creams comes to your mind, doesn’t it? But here the food car is actually a food farm. Hyundai’s new invention, the food car is displayed at London Design Museum. How can a car double up as a food farm?…

  • How do We Grow Up? – Lifecycles

    How do We Grow Up? – Lifecycles

    You must think that this is such a silly question. We all know that we are born as babies, grow up to be kids and finally adults. It is very true in mammals, but what about other animals like insects or amphibians or birds. The different stages that an animal goes through before becoming an…

  • Giant fish discovered in the Sea

    Giant fish discovered in the Sea

    It was a regular day for marine instructor Jasmine Santana. At least that is what she thought when she was as usual snorkeling along the coast of Catalina island in Southern California. Suddenly she spotted something lying still on the bed of  the sea with eyes as big as the size of half dollars. As she neared the…

  • You Will Do It

    You Will Do It

    (Anugya, 13, sends a powerful message with her poem) You Will Do It People may tell you,”You can’t do it” Don’t listen their words even a bit. It’s not true that people with pointed noses or With lines on the forehead can always be successful, Use your own effort and work hard And see what…

  • Its Raining Diamonds!

    Its Raining Diamonds!

    Where is it happening? Probably in someone’s dream. No, it is happening for real. Sadly, it is not happening on Earth. Jupiter and Saturn are getting lucky as they are getting diamond rain. Their atmospheres are the largest producers of diamonds as Uranus and Neptune. How is it happening? Well, the atmosphere of Saturn and…

  • Eats Shoots and Leaves – Koala

    Eats Shoots and Leaves – Koala

    Can you guess who? C’mon take a good guess? Oh! Couldn’t you guess? It’s a Koala!! Have you ever been to Australia? Koalas are native of Australia. That’s the only place in the world where you can spot them and that too if you are lucky. First of all, these cute animals are small. Their tailless,…