Author: Kinooze Learning

  • History of Farming

    History of Farming

    Today, everybody knows that farming is the most important activity that humans need to do in order to survive. However, that was not true 12,000 years ago. Humans then were hunters and gatherers. They hunted the animals and gathered plants. Like nomads, they moved from one place to another when food supply was diminished. They could…

  • Lines That Tell The Way – Maps

    Lines That Tell The Way – Maps

    Since morning Mom and dad had been neatly hiding the clues all around the backyard and the house. Today was Easter and five of my closest friends were going to join me for Easter egg treasure hunt in the evening. I was to told to stay in my room until my parents were done. I…

  • Hurricane Hunters

    Hurricane Hunters

    Most of you must have heard about storm chasers but can someone actually hunt the storm and track then while they are building up. Well, there are drones made by NASA that follow the hurricanes. There has been a lot of opposition on the usage of drones to kill the enemies, but this seems like…

  • Christmas Time

    Christmas Time

    (Ishan, 9, relives the holiday joy brought by Christmas) Carollers are singing, And Christmas bells chime, You can hear them jingling, Because it’s Christmas time. In every house is a Christmas tree, It is surely very lovely to see. You could see everyone jumping with joy! As they open their presents examining each toy. You…

  • Spider Silk or Electrical Conductor?

    Spider Silk or Electrical Conductor?

    Spider silk is astonishingly strong and sturdy. No wonder Spiderman roams around the city using the spider silk as steel bars. It is finer than a human hair and five times stronger than the steel wire of the same diameter. It is extremely stretchable, and some kind of spider silk can also transmit light. Looking…

  • Distance From The Stars

    Distance From The Stars

    The shining little star is definitely not little, but it is really far. In fact, the stars are so far that the astronomers cannot measure them in the conventional units of measurement like Kilometers. How do they measure these distances then? They took the fastest moving thing in the universe which is light. These distances…

  • After Curiosity, Now a Robotic Explorer for Moon

    After Curiosity, Now a Robotic Explorer for Moon

    NASA has launched another explorer to the moon. This time it is not a human explorer aboard another of NASA’s Apollo mission, but a robotic explorer named LADEE, more on the lines of Mars explorer curiosity. The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer, LADEE (pronounced “LA’-dee) is about the size of a small car and weighs about 400…

  • Largest Volcano on Earth

    Largest Volcano on Earth

    A volcano that is as big as the state of New Mexico or France, as large as giant volcanoes on the Mars, have been found on Earth. How did it lay hidden for such a long time? Because it was hiding under water. Tamu Massif  is located about 1,000 miles east of Japan and is…

  • Imaginary News

    Imaginary News

    Stella was late to school. “Why?” Her teacher asked. Stella explained that she prepared breakfast, got her little brother ready and helped mom. This is what made her late for school. The teacher was not very convinced and asked her again why she was late for school. She just smiled sheepishly and said, “I woke…

  • A Successful Treasure Hunt

    A Successful Treasure Hunt

    The exciting game of treasure hunt gives you goose bumps when you play it in your backyard. Imagine how thrilling it must be if you are actually diving in the ocean and trying to find hidden treasure that were lost years ago. Exciting yes, but not successful all the time. Most treasure hunters return empty…

  • Morning


    (Nya Chahar,11 appreciates the beauty that lies in the beginning of a new day) The bright yellow sun out, The trees wake up, And tell the wind, The wind flows past, And whispers to the grass, The grass nudges the flowers, The flowers generously give their sweet pollen, The buzzing bees swarm up high in the lovely…

  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela was a South African politician. He was the first black president of the South Africa. He served as president from 1994 to 1999. The world lost him on 5th December 2103 at the age of 95. Nelson Mandela was born as Rolihlahla Mandela on July 18, 1918, in a small village Mvezo, in…