Author: Kinooze Learning
Fastest Spinning Object
Scientists at University of St. Andrews in Scotland, have recently made the fastest spinning object ever made by man. The object is a microscopic sphere made of calcium with a diameter of 4 micro meter. To give you some idea, a human hair is said to be about 50 micrometers wide. Now can you imagine how tiny must…
(Wonderful acrostic followed by a strong message by none other than Shash who is 11 years old) Technology has improved so much in these years: T is Transparent Television, E is for eBooks, C is for Cellphones, H is for Hovercraft, N is for Nintendo, O is for Out Box, L is for Lenovo Thinkpad,…
The World of Primates
We all use words such as monkey and apes for primates interchangeably, but do they really mean the same. Let us find out. Humans, apes, monkeys and lemurs are all primates. All except humans live in the thicket of forest and trees. Swinging from tree to tree with the help of hands feet and tail,…
There is something very interesting about English language. Many a times you can change the meaning of a word by adding a group of letters after it. Yes, that is true! Just add a letter or more and change the meaning! This group of one or more letters and is known as a suffix. The…
Folding Cars
As the world’s population is increasing, there is one thing that is obviously shrinking. Space on Earth! We have space savers everywhere. Cabinets, drawers and shelves that can organize our house efficiently. Now there is a space saver car that folds on its own and saves you a lot of space in your garage or…
Sinkhole Eats Up Trees
In March 2013 a man living peacefully in his Florida home disappeared out of the blue swallowed by a sinkhole. Yes! The sleeping man just disappeared! This time it was turn of some unsuspecting trees. The group of trees was sucked up by a sinkhole in Louisiana, a state located in the southern region of The…
Devil’s Triangle – The Bermuda Triangle
The geography class for the sixth graders was really interesting today. Miss May had been talking about an island called Bermuda and introduced a strange place called the ‘Devil’s triangle”. There is a triangular region in the Atlantic ocean with Miami, San Juan and the island of Bermuda, Miss May had told the class. Strange…
Globe on An Ostrich Egg
A Belgian map collector might have gotten hold of what is believed to be the oldest globe. Guess what this globe is carved on? An ostrich egg! Isn’t that unique? The rare globe was bought by Stefaan Missinne, a Belgian art collector in the London map fair in 2012. The map and its Latin inscriptions…
Ancient Greeks
Greeks lived very differently thousands of years ago than they do today. About 2,500 years ago, Greece did not have any one king ruling it. Instead, it was divided into the small city states. Each city states were lead by a government. The two most powerful city states were Athens and Sparta. Most of the…
Tommy Tucker’s Childhood Days: Little, Mean Lima Bean
(A wonderful story with a moral written by Shash, 11) I’m ragged, I’m lean, I’m jagged, I’m mean, Guess what I am, I’m the lima bean! The little, mean lima bean sang confidently. He went to Bean Elementary School, along with Tommy Tucker, Green bean, Coffee bean, Tea leaf, and Jelly bean, but no one liked…
What Makes Your Body Move? Mr. Muscle
You are familiar with your skeleton. A bony framework that is the root of your body. There are layers of flesh, fat and skin over it that makes you. Have you wondered what helps your body move so smoothly? Is it the bones? Fat? Skin? Well you all probably know that it is the muscles.…
Mother’s Love
(Natasha, 9, shows love for her mother through this cute poem) You can’t describe the love of a mother, It’s greater and better than any other. Yes, it’s true she’s one in a million, But her love degree is like a billion. Her love is warm, her love is tender. She is my ‘ broken…